Act 2.12 - Down The Rabbit Hole

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Was it sunlight or was it the dull ache on his body that woke Yoohan up? He opened his eyes to Jay shamelessly smiling face, seated on the floor propping his chin on the bed with his elbow, staring at him. The soft gaze and gentle smile were a perfect mask of the beastly devil that gnawed at Yoohan's body last night. Or was it this morning?

Yoohan looked at the sweet dimples and grab a pillow, smacking that irritatingly handsome face with whatever strength he could still muster in his condition.

"You fucker!"


"Crazy bastard!"


"It was my first time, asshole!"


"Go get fucked yourself, you punk!"

Jay laughed heartily. He looked genuinely joyful that Yoohan get pissed off even more. The man even let Yoohan smack him with the pillow and later, fist, without any intention of dodging. He climbed into the bed with one knee and rained kisses on Yoohan's scowling face.

"Screw you! I'm done talking to you!"

Again, Jay just laughed and brushed Yoohan's messed-up hair. Yoohan steeled himself to ignore the man whatever he did, no matter how sweet the gestures were. He knew Jay had taken care of him after he laid dazedly out of breath out of mind; cleaning him up, checking for injury, tucking him carefully, holding him close as he drifted into exhaustion-fueled sleep. But it wasn't enough for Yoohan to forgive the man that ravaged him through the night without any mercy. Only after Yoohan explained with great difficulty that the one who inked him was a lesbian noona that Jay started to slow down while feeling amused. Didn't make the man stop though. Honestly, if it wasn't for his youth and tenacity, Yoohan was sure he'd be long passed out after the third round.

Who the hell had a marathon on their first time? Who?

So Yoohan just glared indignantly at the ignorantly cheerful man, who kissed him all over and whispered sweet words until Yoohan felt grossed out and almost blurted out a request for Jay to stop.

"No matter what, you're still cute." Jay rubbed Yoohan's lips lovingly. "You're especially cute pouting like this,"

Yoohan opened his mouth and bit into the rubbing thumb, hissing like an insulted cat. Instead of wincing in pain, Jay pressed his thumb into Yoohan's tongue with a smile. So Yoohan spat the thumb out and turned his head away, exasperated.

"Let's wash you up, hmm?" Jay kissed Yoohan's cheek and—far too quick for Yoohan to react properly—lifted the languid body with ease. Yoohan let out a sound that was a mix of a wince and gasp, and had to hug Jay's shoulder and neck for balance. Even then, as Jay brought him over into the bathroom, put him in the bathtub, and washed him carefully, Yoohan pressed his lips in determination. He either looked at Jay with a scowl or without any expression.

All of that, however, did nothing to erase the smile and sparkle on Jay's face. Which was infuriating. There was a saying that you could be forgiven of anything as long as you're pretty. Yoohan thought it was probably true. This man probably could get out doing questionable things with his horrible attitude because of his looks. With this thought, now Yoohan decided not to look at Jay's face at all, lest his determination waned.

But Yoohan almost broke the silent strike when Jay calmly put on his pajama top on Yoohan, buttoning it slowly while looking at Yoohan's face, almost like provoking Yoohan to lash out. Jay also only put black shorts on Yoohan, and the younger man almost jumped out of the chair he'd seated on to turn the closet upside down in favor of better, more appropriate attire. Alas, he had no strength left after smacking Jay with all of his might, and honestly, he almost could feel nothing from the waist down. All he could do was growl lowly at Jay's smirking face.

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