Act 2.3 - Filled With You

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Summer always gave Yoohan headaches.

Not because of the heat, but because it reminded him of meeting Yoon Jay, which made him bitter. But it also reminded him of happy days spent in a cold room with a nice sofa and big screen, with a soft caress and gentle pat.

That room, unfortunately, also reminded him of a cold winter day when his heart got shattered into pieces.

What had become of that room, he wondered, looking up at the building with a name that he was finally able to read; Alice's Labyrinth.

He'd been standing in front of the building for some time, mind not quite made up yet. His feet had brought him here, but his heart was still reluctant to breach the border. He felt like he wouldn't be able to turn around once he entered the building. But he needed to ask Jay something. It was the sole reason he wasted bus fare to come to this place he had mixed emotions with.

In the midst of making up his mind, the front door security wasn't able to hold back anymore and approached him with an annoyed look, suspicion plastered on their menacing face.

"Hey, do you have business here?" the man still asked with formal speech, but the tone was doubtful and threatening. It couldn't be helped though, for Yoohan had been standing for a good portion of ten minutes without moving in front of the building. Not only that, the boy was wearing a hooded jacket and cheap-looking clothes, not to mention rather dirty sneakers. Definitely not something the club's regular would wear.

"Maybe," Yoohan said vaguely, which made the guard frown.

"What do you mean maybe? If you don't have anything then you better scram. Don't just stand in the way like that."

Yoohan just hummed in response. Honestly, since he was doubtful, perhaps it would be better to just go home. At that exact moment, there was a giggling sound, or maybe it would be more accurate to call it a sneer. It was followed with a mocking tone, "What would someone dressed like this have anything to do here?"

A group of well-dressed and good-looking men in their early twenties came from behind them. Yoohan glanced at these people briefly, which seemed like they were coming out of drama or something. He realized these people even wore makeup, and remembered that Alice's Labyrinth's main customers were involved with showbiz. At least, that was what the weird owner told him years ago.

Haa...he sighed. It made him even more sure about turning around. So he shrugged and stepped back as the group of young men sneered. They walked towards the front door while throwing Yoohan disdained glance and mocking smirk, talking about the audacity of someone coming to the club with rags. The glass door was opened by an employee inside, who welcomed the young men that seemed to be regular visitors. The employee didn't close the door though, even after all three of them entered.

"Long time no see, Lee Yoohan-nim,"

Yoohan, who had turned halfway, froze. He looked at the front door, where a middle age man stood in a neat uniform holding the door open like a seasoned butler. The amiable smile on the man's face was nostalgic. Yoohan remembered the face of the man that always brought refreshment to the mini-cinema. He remembered that after some time, the drinks and snacks sent to their room only consisted of Yoohan's favorites. Yoohan didn't even know the name of this man who always greeted him every time he arrived and left the building. But Yoohan sure remembered the man.

Reluctantly, he pulled down the hood covering his head. "Long time no see, Manager."

"You used to call me uncle, though. Is it because you've grown up?" the man smiled wider. "The Director had been waiting for you."

Ugh. Yoohan groaned, feeling trapped. No, perhaps he was being trapped. Yoon Jay probably sent the Manager so Yoohan couldn't escape.

"Did he send you?" Yoohan asked suspiciously, but still walked forward into the building.

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