11. Life Sentence

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 Pairing: Carlos/Wyatt (M/m) hand

Plot by 

Warning: This is a spanking/discipline/comfort story. Don't like, don't read.

Carlos Reyes and T.K. Strand's Apartment

Austin, Texas


T.K. yawned again, but snuggled up closer to Carlos. They were finally both off tomorrow and wanted to catch up on their favorite shows. Carlos had drifted off, and T.K. was also when his phone rang. It was one of Carlos' coworkers, Gordo.

"Hey, T.K., man. Um, we got a situation here. I've been trying to call Reyes for hours now, but he's not picking up," the officer explained. "I got your number from your station house."

"Sorry, Gordo, he fell asleep and his cell must be dead. But what's up?" T.K. asked quietly. If it wasn't that important, he'd let Carlos sleep. But it was the middle of the night, so he figured it was probably somewhat important.

"Your boy Judd's son is here. A Wyatt? He was picked up by the patrolman. He said he wanted to call you two...Something about not wanting to wake up the baby?" Gordo tried.

"Oh yeah, that makes sense. Is he at the station? I can text his dad and pick him up if that's okay. What did he do?" T.K. inquired. He shook Carlos lightly and frowned. This was not good.

An hour later, T.K. and Carlos had Wyatt sitting on the couch as they stood over him.

Carlos gave Wyatt a stern look. "Okay, now spill it? What exactly did you do?"

Wyatt's lips quavered. "What did my dad say? Did you guys talk to him?"

T.K. snapped, "Yes, we did. Judd asked us to deal with this since Grace and Charlie are sleeping. Charlie is teething and had been up with a cold. The timing is not great. Your dad gave us full permission to teach you a lesson, young man."

Wyatt smirked, "Dad is probably worried Grace will have his ass if he woke them up to come get me!"

Carlos was incredulous. He glared at the teenager sharply.

"You are in no position to be making fun of your father, Wyatt. You are lucky Gordo called us. If I didn't work for the APD, you would be spending the night in jail! Now what in the world were you thinking tonight? Talk!" Carlos demanded.

Wyatt held his head in his hands. "I wanted the game. My dad was supposed to take me, but then Charlie got sick and he said I had to go alone."

T.K. was angry. He growled, "So you stole it? Did you have the money?"

"Yeah, my dad gave me the cash, but I guess I just thought I would get away with it. Plus, I knew Carlos would bail me out...," Wyatt confided.

Carlos looked at T.K. in surprise. "You know this could have gone on your record. You are lucky the store manager isn't pressing charges this time. But you are going to be punished. You know better than to pull this kind of crap. Your parents are all trying to deal with this the best they can."

Wyatt finally looked guilty. "I know. I just thought T.K. and you would be there for me and you were."

T.K. replied, "So this was a test? Wyatt, I don't even know what to say right now."

Carlos kissed T.K. on the lips and whispered, "Babe, you go to bed. I'll deal with Wyatt. Remember, we are picking up the twins from Tommy's tomorrow for the carnival. I slept more than you did already."

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