2. Running Away

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Pairing: Owen Strand/T.K.Strand (M/M) hand, wooden paddle

Carlos/T.K. (M/M) hand

Fire House of Ladder 126

Austin, Texas

The fire house got back from their latest call and were eating dinner. Owen was back to sharing his latest exfoliating facial cleanser find.

Judd ranted, "I ain't paying no thirty bucks for fancy soap for my ugly mug."

"Thirty? It's $78 an ounce," Owen corrected with a small laugh, as he took a small bite of Judd's chili. "Good, Judd."

Judd admitted, "Full disclosure, it is Grace's recipe. I just follow it to a t."

"That's why they call her Amazing Grace," Marjan called out.

Paul said, "No, really, it's great. Just like her cherry cobbler."

T.K. smiled, "Dad, are you going to try that or is it too high in carbs?"

"Don't worry about my carbs, T.K. I will try a small piece, just because Grace made it," Owen proclaimed.

"A small piece a la mode," Judd boomed.

Mateo yelled out, "Oh yeah, we have a gallon of french vanilla and everyone gets some." He bounced up an began to serve the pie and ice cream.

Right after everyone finished, Owen whispered to T.K., "Five minutes until bedtime for you. I'm going to warm up your naughty, little butt again before bed."

"Dad, I'm not a little kid anymore. Plus, you already spanked me," T.K. pleaded.

"Yeah, maybe if I had done this more when you were a little boy, we would have to do this now," Owen reasoned.

"You're the one who left when I was seven..." T.K. huffed, "Fine."

He knew he would never convince his father to change his mind. Owen Strand hated when T.K. mentioned him "leaving" since he had still been involved in his life. Since T.K. had overdosed after breaking up with his last boyfriend, his dad owned his ass. To his shame, a part of him knew he needed this. He had tried to kill himself. If it wasn't for the elder Strand, T.K. would be dead right now.

As T.K. started to make his way to the bathroom to shower and get ready for his "butt warming", his cell phone buzzed with a call. It was Carlos, his hot police officer, who was now maybe his boyfriend? They probably needed to talk about that some more. At least his dad didn't take his phone anymore. He answered.

"Hey, Carlos," T.K. smiled. "No, um, things are good with my dad...Yeah, I can meet you."

T.K. looked behind him as he slipped out into the night. He was going to get spanked either way. This little break would probably give his dad some time to cool down and realize that T.K. was too old to still be spanking. His rear was throbbing and itchy from the first dose of that wooden salad spoon that he had received hours before.

Carlos Reyes' Apartment

540 Lynnwood Avenue

Austin, Texas

40 Minutes Later

T.K. and Carlos hadn't even pretended to go through the motions of dinner this time. They fell on each other as soon as Carlos pulled him through the front door of his place.

"I missed you," Carlos growled. He carefully inspected T.K. bruised face and small cuts around his mouth and then lightly kissed them.

T.K. laughed, "You just saw me at the police station. Glad I'm not in jail right now."

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