6. Farmer's Market

524 13 31

Pairing: Andrea Reyes/Carlos (F/M) hand, sandal

Flashback: Owen/T.K. (M/m) hand, mild

Plot crafted by @Elenalovly2 (and translations)

Credit for the Owen/T.K. story: @brittanybrassard1986   .Thank you for your contribution and support!

Farmer's Market at Lakeline

Austin, Texas


Same Day

"It's so nice here. Hey, is that guy selling lemonade?" T.K. gushed. Carlos had been promising his mother than he would bring T.K to the farmer's market. It had been a few weeks but they finally shared a Saturday morning off. Judd had let them bring Wyatt to help out.

"The boy needs to start learning the value of hard work," Judd had grinned. "I used to have to work summers at the ranch when I was a kid."

"I'd work at the ranch," Wyatt had muttered. "But I keep thinking of you getting thrown and all the snakes."

"There's no snakes at the market, just a lot of customers and my mom," Carlos had added anxiously. T.K. gave him a concerned look, but went to get dressed as Wyatt and Carlos finished cleaning up the kitchen. Now they were at the busy market. It was hot and sunny.

Carlos was puttering around, looking for something. T.K. wanted to ask if he was afraid to get out of the car, but then he noticed Wyatt standing in the heat, looking flushed.

"Wyatt, is this heat too much for you. Carlos, maybe we better get him a drink right away?" T.K. said, looking over the pale, slim teen. Wyatt wiped a hand over his sweaty brow.

"I'm okay. Let's check in. Carlos, I bet your parents make a killing here!" Wyatt gushed. The place was packed.

"I don't know about that, but it is somewhere for my mom to see her secret recipe salsa," Carlos said proudly, finally getting his sunglasses and getting out of the car. "Oh, there she is."

Carlos threw an arm around T.K. and Wyatt followed. His behind still ached a tad and his shorts were rubbing against it, but he fought the urge to rub.

T.K. saw that pained look on Carlos' handsome face.

"Honey, what's wrong?" T.K. whispered.

"Um, in our family, when one parent hands out a spanking, the other one will back it up," Carlos gulped, looking nervous. "My mamá is gonna be angry with me."

Wyatt winced in sympathy. "Sorry, man."

T.K. laughed, "Calm down, Carlos. You are going to make yourself sick. Nothing is going to happen here. I mean, look at this crowd."

"Yeah, but I promised my mom we'd be there to help her set up...That kind of slipped my mind," Carlos admitted. "I should have called her."

A second later, Andrea Reyes was greeting the trio warmly. Her brown eyes sparkled as she hugged her son and then T.K. They introduced to her Wyatt and she gushed about how handsome he was. The boy blushed and shook her hand respectfully.

T.K. couldn't help but hiss, "See? You were worried for nothing!"

"We'll see," Carlos retorted with a tight smile.

The three newcomers dived in and helped Mrs. Reyes serve customers, bag up purchases, and make change over the next two hours. The stand was busy enough that the lemonade was forgotten and they drank bottled water from the cooler.

When they finally had a small break, Carlos apologized for letting his mother set up alone.

"I forgot, Mami," Carlos confessed.

911: Lone Starजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें