At school/parents house

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Bakugo ran your bed, "Hey! You okay?!"

He slowly lifted the blankets, and wiped your tears away. You looked at him, his face full of concern. You couldn't help it that you instantly sat up and hugged him.

"H-hey, you're okay." He stroked your hair, and you laid your head on his shoulder, and your face facing his neck.

He checked the time it was 6:00am. You usually woke up at 6:30am so you guys laid down and you talked about your dream.

When it was time to get ready Bakugo said, "Hey, idiot."

You looked up.

"I, umm, wanna say thank you."

"What did I do?"

"I dunno, talk to me, about IcyHot, and your dreams and such. Nobody ever did that to me, they never trusted me. But you, I wanna say thank you for you know, trusting me," he looked away and blushed, "this is getting hella awkward, I'll see you later."

You blushed when he left, but got ready quickly. You brushed your hair out, and put on your shoes.

You headed downstairs and saw Bakugo grabbing some food from the cabinet. His face softened when he saw you, he walked towards you, "Catch."

You zoned out for a bit, and you almost caught the granola bar. But you didn't.

"I said 'catch', stupid," he chuckled, "c'mon, let's go."

On your way the school entrance you saw Todoroki holding Momo's hand. He saw you and Bakugo, he squeezed Momo's hand harder.

Bakugo saw this, he instantly took your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. You blushed. You guys walked ahead, and Bakugo gave Todoroki a smirk. When you guys got to the classroom door, you squeezed Bakugo's hand, letting him know it was okay now. He slowly let go of your hand and you smiled at him and whispered, "Thank you."

You both walk in and sat down.

"Okay, class," Mr. Aizawa said, "we are invited to go on a class trip."

Everyone cheered, "Hooray!"

"But!" He said, "but, it is for our hero training, it will be close to the woods, so it will be camping."

"I suppose that's fine," you said, "you excited, Bakugo?"

"Yeah," he leaned back with his hands behind his head.

You smiled, and stated the lesson. It took forever and you were eager to get out of school. You and Bakugo went to the dorms and got ready for dinner at your house, "do your parents know I'm coming?" He asked.

"Yeah," you said as you guys went up in the elevator.

You got ready, and wore your loose short sleeve shirt and some black jeans.

Meanwhile, Bakugo he got a pair of black shorts, that has a red outline it. And he wore a white shirt.

Bakugo offered to drive you guys there and you couldn't say no. You laughed and made jokes with him along the way. And would constantly sing, or yell out the lyrics to the song.

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