Chapter Twenty One

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"What happened last night?" Lyra asked, as she laid in bed next to Jared with Teddy sleeping on Jared's chest.

"When we went to kill that monster the Cullens created, and possibly kill Bella in the process, Jacob turned on us. Apparently he was protecting Bella. He claims he'll take out the child if it is a monster, but he's waiting until Bella gives birth to the creature." Jared explained, causing Lyra to frown.

"Does his infatuation with Bella Swan actually run that deep, that he would turn his back on his pack to protect her and a creature that could potentially kill everyone?" She asked, making Jared frown.

"Before you even came here, when Bella had just arrived, Jacob was already infatuated with her. I think it was a childhood crush at first, but then it turned into something way more serious. I'm just unsure of when it started to become more than a crush, and more of an infatuation." He replied, shaking his head slightly.

"Well, at least you don't have to worry about Teddy and I. I can keep us safe, even from the nastiest of creatures. I've fought bigger and badder things than a few vampires, so I'm not too worried. The thing inside Bella, may be a different story. I'm going to do some research, and maybe contact a fellow witch to see if she knows anything, and I'll let you know what I find out. With that being said, if something happens, and you and the pack are no longer safe in the pack, I want you all to come here. The vampires, and their offspring creatures would never find, because the wizarding world is far too smart for that." Lyra stated, and Jared smiled.

"I like this feeling...this feeling of family and unity." Jared murmured, causing Lyra to grin.

Lyra sat up and leaned over, placing a kiss on Jared's lips. The eternal bliss the the two felt, having the feeling of being free, and having child to love, made everything seem normal, but that bliss would always end. Something would come and ruin it, or someone would mess something up for them.

"I'm going to go check my books for any information. If you want, you can come down to the library with me, or you can stay up here with Teddy. If you stay with him, call for me when he wakes so I can change him and whatnot." Lyra said, slowly getting up from the bed.

"I can stay with him," Jared replied,"Y'know, if we're going to be together, and be a family, I'm going to have to learn to change him and all that fun stuff." He added, speaking the word fun sarcastically.

"I guess you're right. Just send Ducky if you need my assistance." She answered, kissing him one last time before she left.

Lyra went down to her library, and she began to pull out each book she had about vampires; the Cold Ones to be exact. Before reading though, she went to the portraits to talk to her father and uncle.

"What do you know about the Cold Ones?" She asked, almost as soon as she entered the room.

"The vampires?" Regulus asked, and she nodded,"Well, they've been around for centuries from what I've heard. They sparkle in the sun like a diamond all most. There's a coven called the Volturi in Italy that runs everything, almost like our Ministry, or America's government. What else do you need to know?" He asked, making her sigh.

"Have you ever heard of one procreating?" She asked, causing her father to laugh.

"Whst kind of question is that? Are you sleeping with one of those ice cold disco balls?" He asked, making the girl send him a look of disgust.

"No, I haven't. I know that immortal children are against their rules they live by, but other than that, I've never heard of them having children." Regulus said, causing the girl to sigh.

"And if they did--if they had a child with a human, what would happen? What would it be?" She asked, and the man shook his head.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling, it'll be a hybrid of sorts, and I don't know, but it might just be a monster that could hurt many people." He replied, making her nod.

"And if it isn't a monster?" She asked, he shrugged.

"I guess you'll have to figure out a way to save the child." Regulus said, causing Sirius to scoff.

"She won't do that. She has to protect Teddy, and she's an imprint if you don't remember, Reggie. Meaning, she has to protect the pack, not the vampires. It doesn't matter what the problem is, she can't switch sides, otherwise she's the enemy," Sirius retorted,"My daughter is not going to be the enemy of an entire pack of shapeshifters. To protect herself, she will stay out of it. I love her, as does so many others, and we can watch her demise. Teddy needs her, Andy needs her, and now Jared needs her. She has to live and not become an enemy. If something happens to her, I'll figure out a way to come back and kill every last one of them." He added, and Lyra couldn't help but smile.

"I will stay out it, Dad, but I have to tell Jared about what I know now. If I don't, he'll be upset. I don't want him upset with me, not when things are going so well between the two of us with Teddy." She said, causing the men to nod.

Lyra knowing more helped the pack, but she wasn't sure what was going to happen. She hoped nothing bad would happen to the pack, even if that meant she'd eventually have to fight by their side to keep everyone safe. She was willing to fight for her family, no matter how small. One way or another, everyone would be safe...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Only three or four chapters left!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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