Chapter Eight

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"Are you ready to run around outside?" Bill asked, as he walked into the kitchen

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"Are you ready to run around outside?" Bill asked, as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yes, I'm very ready." Lyra replied, a smile evident on her face.

With a smile of his own, Bill waited for the girl to shift into her animagus form, before he opened the front door and let her run out into the yard. He stepped out and watched her for a while, before the girl decided to be cheeky. She grabbed a stick and carried it over to him, wagging her tail expecting him to throw it for her.

"You do know you look like a wolf, right? What wolf would be chasing sticks?" Bill asked, but Lyra simply turned her head a bit with her tongue out as if challenging him to do otherwise.

Rolling his eyes, Bill threw the stick as far as he could across the yard. He laughed lightly when he seen Lyra run towards the direction of the stick. He threw the stick a few more times for her, watching as she ran quickly to fetch it every time.

"We should bring the puppies out here one time to play with you," Bill commented, causing Lyra to snort,"Nevermind, they'd probably be afraid you'd eat them." He added, as he laughed to himself.

Lyra nudged him playfully, almost knocking him down in the process. He laughed at her antics, petting her head a bit roughly. He stopped when her ears perked up and she turned towards the woods. She began to growl, causing him to place his hand on his wand, watching as she stood in front of him protectively. Three other wolves came out of the woods, the problem was they were way bigger than Lyra. Bill grabbed Lyra, pulling her back a bit by the nape of her neck.

"I think they're the shifters." Bill murmured, as he crouched next to his friend.

Lyra turned her head and looked at him, the two making eye contact for a moment. She was going to back off as if she was a tamed pet with Bill, but when they stepped closer, Lyra growled and tried to bulk up to make herself look bigger. A growl was heard from one of the wolves in the pack, causing Bill to worry that things weren't going to end well outside. He was just glad Fleur and Nymphadora were inside, especially since Nymphadora was pregnant and needed more protection.

"Don't come any closer," Bill demanded, as he stared at the pack of wolves,"I can't promise she won't attack." He added, though he also meant himself as well.

The wolves stepped closer again, but the black wolf simply nodded at Bill, before they disappeared back into the woods. Bill and Lyra looked at each other, wondering what had happened, but the problem wasn't over yet. Three men came out of the woods, wearing only shorts, and they didn't look too inviting. Lyra knew instantly that they were the pack she had talked to the elders about.

"I don't believe we met. Are you the person the elders said moved on to the land?" The oldest man asked, causing Bill to shake his head.

"No, my sister is. I'm just here visit her with my fiance and my sister's best friend." Bill replied, causing the men to look between each other.

"I'd like to speak with your sister." The man stated, and Bill sighed shakily.

"Well, she can't currently speak to you right now." He answered, watching as the men crossed their arms in front of their chests.

"Why? Where is she?" Another man asked, causing Bill to bite his lip.

"She's not here right now." Bill answered, his answer too short for the men to be happy with.

"Well, we'll wait on her to get back. We'd like to speak with her as soon as possible. We can wait inside if you'd like--" The third man began, before Bill cut him off.

"No! I mean, she's a near freak and she can't stand anyone being in her home uninvited or anyone who could potentially cause a mess. You three came out of the woods, and if she seen any dirt on her floor, she'd have a fit--" Bill began, causing Lyra to snort, making Bill pinch her discreetly,"My other six siblings have learned the hard way, I can assure you." He finished, causing the men to grow annoyed.

"Look here Brit--" The one man began, stepping closer with an angry face.

Lyra knew he was a threat, and she felt threatened by him for herself and for Bill. As soon as he stepped closer, Lyra growled and took a threatening step forward, allowing her body to try and look bigger than she was.

"Star!" Bill warned, not wanting her to cause a scene.

"She has a pet wolf?!" The man exclaimed, stepping back.

Lyra let out a wolfish snort, knowing none of the guys really felt threatened by her in their wolf forms, but they did when human.

"Yes, it's name is Star." Bill replied, nodding slightly.

"She can't have a pet wolf." He commented, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I know you three seen the wolves from the woods, so this wolf is not a threat. She's rather small, compared to your wolves." Bill said, feeling rather protective over the girl he considered his sister.

"What are you implying dude?" The guy asked, stepping close once again.

"Paul." The older man said, his voice sounded much like an alpha, so Lyra believed him to be the alpha.

"No, he's got something to say. What do you got to say man?" Paul spat, causing Lyra to growl once again.

Lyra stepped forward, pushing Paul away with a rough shove. She could tell he was getting angry, so she wasn't surprised when he shoved the girl away. She flew across the yard a bit, but not too far. Moony had thrown her further, even when he was exhausted and beat up. This boy was nothing compared to what she'd dealt with in her life...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm currently working on the next chapter, so be ready!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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