Chapter Nine

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She grew angrier when Paul pushed her away, so she came running at him. He quickly stuck out his arms, shoving her to the ground. She was a bit stronger though, since he wasn't in his wolf form. She was able to knock him on to his back, and she climbed on top of him, snapping her jaw trying to bite him and show him just who he was messing with.

"Star!" Bill exclaimed, trying to pull her from Paul.

The older man of the pack of wolves came over and helped Bill pull Lyra off of Paul. Paul began to shake with anger, but the man quickly told Paul to calm down.

"You tried to attack him, she was just defending him." Sam said, as Paul glared at Lyra.

As the two shared glares, Bill pinched her once again, causing her to yelp and look up at him with another glare.

"How far are you from your house?" The older man asked, causing Bill to look over at him.

"A few feet, nothing much." Bill replied, causing the three men to furrow their eyebrows.

"What?" The third man asked, before turning and seeing the manor.

"I-I swear that wasn't there before." He stuttered, looking at his two pack members.

Lyra let out a quiet snort of amusement, but the three had rather keen hearing, so they had heard her. The three looked down to the wolf and seen she was staring at them. 

"What are you, man? What game are you trying to play here?" Paul snapped, as he stepped closer to Bill again.

Bill was about to pull out his wand to finally teach Paul a lesson, but he was stopped when Lyra growled louder. In one swift movement, Lyra turned back into her human form and stepped between Paul and Bill.

"You better back up, right now." She spat, glaring at Paul with a deep frown on her face.

"Whoa! What are you?! Who are you?!" The third man exclaimed, amazed by the woman in front of him.

He and Paul couldn't deny that she was fit. She had a body to die for, the perfect figure, and she had a few tattoos noticable on her abdomen and arms. On her right arm, she had a black dog, a wolf,  a pyramid, and a star. On her left arm, she had what looked to be a wand on her inner arm, and a broom stick with a few different numbers and words near it. On her abdomen, she had a few different constellations, as well as what seemed to be a dog, stag, and wolf chasing each other.

"I'm the owner of this manor. I'm an animagus, and a witch. I have this manor warded and cloaked from everyone and anyone I want it to be from. Nobody can go in or out unless they're invited. I've already talked to your elders, and they've granted me immunity from you, meaning if you don't leave my brother alone, I will report to your elders. Do you want to challenge me?" Lyra spat, as her eyes stayed connected with Paul's.

"We're sorry. We only seen your brother with a wolf, and we were afraid he or the wolf could be a potential danger to our people." The older man said, causing Lyra to nod.

"I understand, I am quite big in animagus form. I'm supposed to be a dog, like my father was, but I'm a bit bigger and I turned out to be a wolf." Lyra replied, smiling to ease the tension.

"Can we have names?" The man asked, and Lyra nodded.

"I'm Lyra Black, and no, I'm not related to Billy or Jacob. This is my brother, Bill Weasley. His fiance Fleur Delacour and my best friend Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin are inside. Tonks is pregnant, so I can't have her outside where there's potential danger." Lyra stated, and the man nodded.

"I understand, I have a fiance I fight to protect everyday from the dangers outside," The man replied,"I'm Sam Uley, that's Paul Lahote, and I'm sorry for his behavior. I have to say, you're really strong when you're angry." Sam commented, causing the girl to laugh.

"Well, he tried to hurt my brother, and I didn't exactly want my brother pulling out his wand and outing us so easy. Obviously Paul wasn't going to let it go, so I outed only to protect my brother, but I wasn't planning on letting you guys know about us for a bit longer." Lyra said, as Bill chuckled.

"We're having problems in the wizarding world, so it's safer for her to be in the muggle world and far away from everything for now." Bill added, and Lyra nodded.

"Your problems aren't going to follow you here, are they?" Sam asked, causing Lyra to quickly shake her head.

"No, not when my manor has so many protection charms on it. Also, I don't plan on using my wand often, so they won't be able to track me from someone seeing a witch with a wand." Lyra replied, reassuring the wolves.

"I just have to make sure to protect my people." Sam commented, staring at the woman.

"I understand," She answered, before turning towards the third man,"I don't believe you told me your name." She said, causing the man to look at her.

As soon as his eyes met hers he froze. Bill and Lyra furrowed their eyebrows, but with a slight nudge from Sam, the man shook himself from his trance.

"I-I'm Jared, Jared Cameron." He said, causing Lyra to smile.

"Nice to meet you, Jared." She replied, and he smiled back.

"We should leave, but I hope you wouldn't mind if we came by or you came by to explain some of your witch things to us. I'm quite curious about your abilities." Sam commented, causing Lyra to nod.

"You guys are welcome at any time, just let me know beforehand. I, uh, don't have a phone. You'll have to leave me a letter or find me outside again next time I'm a wolf." Lyra answered, making the pack nod as well.

Lyra and Bill said their farewells, before turning away from the pack. The pack noticed on Lyra's back, she had names with different dates labelled next to them. The names and dates went right down the middle of her back in beautiful cursive letters. On her left shoulder she had a full moon and on her right, she had a sun. The names they read were, Regulus "Reggie" Black with the dates August 2nd, 1961 to December 20, 1979; James "Prongs" Potter with the dates March 27th, 1960 to October 31st, 1981; Lily Evans Potter with the dates January 30th, 1960 to October 31st, 1981; and Sirius "Padfoot" Black with the dates November 3rd, 1959 to June 18th, 1996. The pack instantly knew what the tattoos meant, and they wondered just how many people Lyra had lost throughout her life...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I don't believe I chose a mother for Lyra, but I'm going to make the mother a random pure blood. Also, I had to make up dates for Regulus, other than the years, since there wasn't any exact dates for him, but there was for the others. I couldn't make it look like she cared about them more than Regulus. Obviously she will be adding to the dates later. Also, Jared imprinted on Lyra in front of Bill and the pack!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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