Holding Out for a Hero (Ch. 2 Everything's Changing)

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(A/N: Yay! New chapter time! I hope you guys enjoy this one. I'm hoping to get the next chapter out quicker than I got this one out. I have stuff to say to you guys but I don't want to spoil anything so I'll save it for the end notes! Ok, see you guys at the end of the chapter! Enjoy!)

Your head swirled both from embarrassment and the buzz of your drink. You couldn't take all the eyes on you anymore, so you quickly got up and made your way out of the room. You heard a couple friends call your name as you left but you just kept going.

You made your way to one of your favorite places on campus, the top of dorms. There was a nice railing on there that you could lean on while taking in an amazing view of the sprawling campus. The moon and the stars shone brightly tonight, casting an ethereal glow onto every surface. This was the place you always went when you needed a break. You walked to the railing and gripped it tightly, the feeling of the cold metal grounding you from the chaos you just escaped. You took a couple deep breaths and tried to enjoy the feeling of the cool night air on your face.

However, your silent peace was short lived.


A voice startled you, forcing you to quickly wipe away tears that you hadn't even realized you'd let out. You turned toward the sound to see Shoji standing there at the door to the roof.

"You almost gave me a heart attack," you gasped, placing a hand over your chest. "How'd you even find me?"

Shoji crossed his arms and gave you a knowing look. "As if you'd go anywhere else when you're upset."

You huffed and turned back towards the railing. "...I'm not upset."

"Come on," he pleaded. "I know you. Are you okay?" he asked softly.

You took a deep sigh and then nodded your head.

"I'm okay. Sorry if things got weird back there," you mumbled sheepishly.

"It's all good. You know how Aoyama gets when he drinks too much," Shoji laughed, making his way to stand by your side. He gently nudged you with his elbow. "Between you and me, I think he's downed at least two whole bottles of wine himself tonight."

You laughed and smiled at Shoji. He always knew how to make things better. The two of you settled into comfortable silence, gazing up at the night sky.

"I'm so embarrassed," you admitted, laughing nervously and running your hands through your hair.

"Why?" Shoji chuckled, trying to ease your nerves.

Your face flushed again.

"Because, I think he might be right," you think to yourself.

"Er, just...now you and everyone thinks they know some secret of mine when in reality..." you trail off, gesturing into the air as if searching for words you couldn't find.

You can't say that what Aoyama said was a total lie because, if you're being honest, he might be right. But you also can't admit your secret to Shoji and potentially ruin the friendship you currently share. Besides, you weren't even entirely sure what your feelings for him were at this moment.

"Hey," Shoji said, placing a steady and comforting hand on your shoulder. "You don't have to worry. Everyone knows how Aoyama gets. And to be honest, I'd frankly be surprised if any of those guys remembered anything about tonight in the morning," he laughed.

You laughed with him. Why did Shoji have to be so perfect?

It wasn't always like this. Maybe you really were in love with Shoji, but it didn't start off that way. Sure, right off the bat you could admit you were attracted to his physique as well as his quiet and mysterious nature. But it wasn't until you got to know him more that you really started to admire him. He was always so kind and chivalrous, so caring and considerate of everyone around him. From the moment you met, you knew he had such an amazing soul. Shoji was always looking out for others and putting everyone else's needs before his own. He never underestimated his peers and always knew how to keep morale high and motivate his classmates. Shoji saved you more times than you could count and in more ways than one.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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