Holding Out for a Hero (Ch. 1 The Beginning of the End)

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A/N: Hi guys! Here it is, the first chapter of a new story! (Please forgive me for being 3 days past when I promised this chapter would be out!) I'm so excited for this one and I really hope you guys enjoy it too! A couple notes about this story -- it's a college AU where basically everything is the same, it's just that UA is a college and the students are aged up. They're in their final year, so everyone is 21+. You'll see why that's more important later. Ok! That's all for now! Please enjoy! <3 


Our story begins in the Heights Alliance dorms at UA. The weather was warming up and the air had a feeling of incoming change with every breeze. With graduation just one month away, the students of UA's Class 3-A have been feeling particularly sentimental. For many, the feeling of time running out is sinking in. "Senioritis" has long since faded away into desperation for stretching out their last remaining days as students together. 

It's a bittersweet feeling. On one hand, there's the excitement of graduation. The anticipation of finally becoming heroes. New beginnings. On the other hand, there's the ever present sensation of time slipping by. School days over forever. Sure, graduation is exciting but it also means something else. No one dares speak of the big, sad elephant in the room: having to say goodbye soon. This feeling, while understood by all, has largely been left unspoken. Class 3-A was gathered in the common room, as they do most days at this point. No one, not even Bakugo, has been looking to be isolated from the group lately. Instead, everyone has been particularly clingy in their own ways.

Planning on staying in tonight and reading a book? It'd probably be done on a couch in the common room. Watching a movie? Common room TV. Doing homework? At the kitchen table. Taking a walk? It's a group walk now. Everyone still does their own thing, just together.

Tonight was no different.

The last of class 3-B had finally left after the joint hero course party. Music played much more quietly through the speakers than it had earlier that night. Earlier, the lights had been dimmed with a disco ball placed in the center of the room, refracting little spots of light all around the walls. Now, the overhead lights were back on, casting an odd brightness onto the empty party scene in the common room.

Midoriya walked around with an open trash bag as Uraraka floated empty cans into it. Kirishima and Bakugo crushed empty pizza boxes. Tsu washed the dishes. Koda swept the floor while you and Shoji gathered empty bottles in the kitchen. Everyone did their part to help clean up, lest you all feel the wrath of Aizawa in the morning. He turned a blind eye to the parties so long as there was no evidence left behind. It was an unspoken agreement.

After about an hour of cleaning, everyone plopped on the couches, exhausted from both the party and the cleanup. The lights were dimmed once more, creating a relaxed atmosphere.

Everyone clinked their drinks together, "cheers"-ing another successful party. 

Mina sighed. "You guys, I can't believe this is one of our last parties together!"

"Don't remind me," Kaminari moaned. "I'm gonna miss these 3-A ragers."

"Dude, remember that one party we had where Bakugo dared you to shotgun your beer?" Sero snickered.

"Ooh! And beer came out of your nose!" Kirishima teased.

Everyone laughed while Kaminari whined about the embarrassing memories his friends brought up. As the laughter faded, a long pause fell upon the group.

That was something that happened a lot recently. The heavy, silent moments. Those few fleeting moments in between distractions when everyone remembers that this is all coming to an end soon.

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