Love is Quirky (Ch. 1: Please?)

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"Pleeeeeeaaaaaase! Please use your quirk on me!" Hagakure begged as the two of you walked together towards the dorms. It had been another long day of classes and training at UA. Now, as the sun began to set, you walked back to the dorms with your friend.

"I wanna know what will happen!"

You scoffed apprehensively, giving her a sideways glance. "You want to see what your worst fear is?"

"No, no, of course not! I want to see my true love!" she squealed.

"Hagakure, I'm not a matchmaker!" you laughed. "Anyway, I can't show you your true love with my quirk. It doesn't work that way."

"I thought you said it showed you the thing you loved most or something like that!" Hagakure pouted. (At least, it sounded like she was pouting.)

"Well, it can, but it doesn't always mean it will show you a person. It can be a place, a thing, a food, really anything. I can't really control what it appears to you as yet. I can only control whether it shows you something that makes you happiest or, like I said, your worst fear." you explained.

"So what you're saying is it COULD, hypothetically, show me my true love though!"

You thought for a bit. "It could. When I've used it on my mom and dad, it shows them each other. But I feel like you'd have to already have seen the person before, or have feelings for them, otherwise it wouldn't work. The things people have seen from my quirk can sometimes change too. It doesn't always stay as the same thing. It just shows you what makes you the happiest right now."

"Well maybe I've already met my true love!" she gasped and grabbed your arm. "Maybe they go to our school! OR! They're in our class!" she giggled. "Can you imagine?!"

You opened the door to the dorms, revealing some of your classmates in the common area. As usual it was filled with the noise of boys being rowdy. Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero were splayed out on the couch, playing video games and screaming. Bakugo was chasing Midoriya around and Iida was running after the both of them, chastising the boys for their behavior. Meanwhile, Mineta just filmed the whole ordeal on his phone, laughing.

"Oh Hagakure, you hopeless romantic. Do you really want one of these to be your true love?" you laughed. "What if it's Mineta?!"

Hagakure snorted and playfully shoved you.

"As if!" She laughed, and then sighed in defeat. "Okay fine, maybe it's not one of these numbskulls. But still! I want to know what I'll see! Even if it's not a person."

You crossed your arms, trying to stand your ground against your friend.

"Please Y/N? Come on! It's girls night tonight anyway, it would be the perfect time to try!"

You sighed, finally giving in. "Fine, I'll use my quirk on you tonight. But only to finally shut you up!"

You tried to maintain your exasperated expression, but that proved impossible when Hagakure flung herself at you and captured you in an invisible hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I can't wait!" she squealed, giving you one final squeeze before going off to her room to get ready for girls night.

You just laughed and headed towards the kitchen. Sato, Shoji, Koda, and Tokoyami were seated at a table, playing a card game.

"Hello to my most favorite boys in class!" you said, smiling and grabbing a seat with them.

Tokoyami chuckled. "Such high praise. Are we really your favorite?"

Suddenly, the sound of Bakugo popping off explosions and Iida and Midoriya's screaming filled the air as they tornado-ed their way through the kitchen. You waited for the commotion to pass before answering.

"Of course. After all, you're the only ones who don't give me a headache." you said, grinning at them.

As you spoke, Sato got up from the table to grab a box off the counter. Your eyes sparkled with delight as he handed you the box of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

"Sato! My man!" you beamed. "Thank you so much. These are gonna be perfect for girl's night."

You grabbed some money from your bag and tried to hand it to him, but he refused.

"No no, I'm not gonna take money from my friends." he smiled.

Shoji formed a dupli-arm mouth and eye and stretched them to side-eye at Sato.

"You charged me and Tokoyami $5 each last week for our stuff." he pointed out, jokingly.

Sato just laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay, I guess I should've clarified that I'm not gonna charge the girls!"

"That's hardly fair, Sato!" you said, still trying to push the money into his hands.

"It is fair! There's only a few girls in class compared to all the guys," he explained. "Plus how could I charge the ones who voted me King of the Dorms?" he chuckled.

"Okay, you're right. I guess that is fair." Shoji laughed.

You got up to get in between where Sato and Shoji were sitting next to each other, putting your arms around the two of them to pull them into a hug.

"And that's why you're my favorite boys." you giggled and ruffled their hair. You grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder, placing the box of cookies inside.

"But I'm your number one favorite, right?" Sato asked, laughing. You placed your finger on your chin as if in deep thought, and then smirked.

"Nah, that would be Shoji!" you said, giggling and giving Shoji a lightning fast peck on his cheek as you turned and ran away. "And check your shirt pocket, Sato!" you called out, laughing.

Sato placed his hand on his shirt pocket and noticed that you had sneakily slipped him $5.

If you had turned any slower you might have seen how what was visible of Shoji's face lit up bright red.

Once you were gone, the boys just smirked at him in silence. Even Koda had a grin on his face. Shoji's face burned even more.

"So, our suspicions are confirmed: you are her number one favorite..." Tokoyami teased him.

Shoji covered his face in his hands as his friends continued to laugh. They all knew that Shoji had developed pretty serious feelings for you. He might not look like it, but Shoji was the type that fell hard and fell fast when it came to feelings. Despite his strong feelings, he never let himself believe that anyone could return them. He just didn't think love or a relationship would ever come for him.

"She didn't mean it like that." Shoji mumbled.

Sato scoffed. "And in what other way could she POSSIBLY have meant it?"

"I don't know! Just that...she thinks of me as a good friend, I think." Shoji didn't think his face could get any more red than it currently was. His face could make Kirishima's hair look pastel.

"She KISSED you, dude!" Sato pushed.

At the mention of your kiss, Shoji accidentally fumbled his cards. "On the cheek! It was a...friendly kiss! It wasn't even a kiss. It was a peck. She does that with everyone."

"Why is it so impossible for you to think that she might like you?" Sato asked.

Shoji mumbled a soft "I don't know" and kept his eyes glued on the table.

Tokoyami shook his head and sighed. "What are we ever going to do with you, Shoji?"

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