Love is Quirky (Ch. 6 Listening)

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A/N: I am SO SORRY that this is so late! My job reopened and I have been so busy. However, fear not! I still am here and I still love Shoji too much. I still have so many ideas for him and I really did miss writing so there is more to come in the future, even if it is at a slower pace than before. I hope you enjoy this chapter with lots of Shoji sweetness.

The faint sound of voices stirred you from your sleep.

"Guys, I think she's waking up."

That voice sounded familiar. Was it Tsu? You opened your eyes and took in your surroundings.

"What happened?" you groaned.

You looked around to find you were in your bed, back in your room. You could see through your window that the sun was setting. The concerned faces of all the girls surrounded you.

Momo came to sit by you and handed you a water bottle. "Hi Y/N, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, but what happened?" you asked, gulping down the water.

"Well, Shoji took you to Recovery Girl during training. After class, a couple of us went to go check on you. Apparently you fainted! But you aren't injured and she said your quirk is back to normal too. We took you back to your room to rest for the rest of the day," she explained.

"So what happened to your quirk?" Mina asked.

You explained to them what happened last night, starting with the headache you got after using your quirk on yourself. You then told them about how it didn't work on Shoji that night either, which you had chalked up to overexertion.

The news that you and Shoji were alone in the kitchen last night sent Mina, Hagakure, and Uraraka into squealing crush mode all over again.

"Ohmygod," Mina gasped. "Did you kiss?!"

"No!" you screeched. "He just...held my face in his hand and-"

You had subconsciously moved your hand to hold your own face in the way Shoji had, moving your thumb across your cheek just as he did, and getting lost in the memory. Mina, who was perched on the edge of the bed was now squeezing her arms around herself and kicking her legs in the air as she squealed.

"That is SO CUTE!"

Momo quickly shushed her so you could continue your story. Your face got hot when you realized what you were doing.

"ANYWAY!" you continued.

You then told them about what happened during training and how it didn't work again, and everything that happened with Recovery Girl.

"Okay, let me get this straight: it just doesn't work on Shoji?" Uraraka asked. "How weird! I wonder if there's other people who it doesn't work on."

"That doesn't explain the fainting though," Jiro added.

You shrunk into yourself and blushed. "Yeah well...I was getting to that part..."

The girls were silent in anticipation. You shoved your face into a pillow out of embarrassment.

"She said it probably did work on him," you mumbled into the pillow.

"Huh? What'd she say?" Hagakure said, unable to hear your muffled confession.

Lifting your head from your pillow, you took a deep breath before exclaiming "She said it worked on him!"

The girls sat in silence, stewing over the news they had just received.

Momo held her chin in her hand, deep in thought. "So what you're saying is..."

"...his vision didn't change because your quirk showed him..." Tsu continued.

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