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Hi readers! I'm finally getting around to writing my second work. Thanks for all the support on the first one!

This ones takes place during Episode 38 (Season 2), when Class 1-A decides to hang out together at the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall. So, spoiler warning for that episode. I hope you enjoy it!

Mezo Shoji and the reader are secretly dating! This isn't because they are ashamed of their relationship, but rather that the two are a little shy and are inclined to keep their relationship private due to how they know the rest of their classmates will react. They manage to do a good job keeping their relationship under wraps until one day, somebody figures it out!


Class 1-A was buzzing with excitement over the news that their entire class was going to go to summer training camp together.

"This is gonna be great! I'm so glad we're all going together." said Ojiro, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. Sato and Sero nodded along enthusiastically. As two who previously thought they would be left behind, they were especially excited.

"Looks like we'll be at the training camp a full week!" Iida said, carefully looking over the camp itinerary.

Midoriya peered over his shoulder and muttered "I've gotta find a bigger suitcase."

"Yeah, I don't even have a bathing suit. Guess I need to buy some stuff." Kaminari thought out loud.

"Like night vision goggles!" Mineta exclaimed, rubbing his hands together as if he was forming some sort of evil plot.

You playfully (but also a little not so playfully) shoved Mineta's head. "Forget whatever pervy daydreams you've got swirling around that purple head of yours!" you laughed. "If I catch you doing anything weird you know I'll kick your butt."

Hagakure squealed as a genius idea popped into her head. "Guys, since we're off tomorrow and we finally finished exams, I have the best idea! Why doesn't Class 1-A go shopping together!"

Everyone's faces started to light up at her idea.

Kaminari was the first to vocalize his agreement. "Hey, yeah! We've never hung out as a class before."

His revelation that this would be the first official "class hangout" made everyone even more excited. Well, almost everyone. Bakugo did not seem interested in hanging out at all. As he started to walk away, Kirishima called out to him.

"Bakugo! See you there, right?" he smiled.

Bakugo scoffed and rolled his eyes as he continued to walk away. "I can't think of anything more annoying."

You smiled and clapped your hands together. "Anyway! It sounds like everyone besides Bakugo is down for a class shopping trip!"

Midoriya looked over to where a certain two-toned student was still quietly packing his things. "Will you come, Todoroki?" he asked.

Todoroki shook his head and said quietly "I visit my mom on days off."

"You party poopers!" Mineta whined. "Don't you ever get tired of being so serious?!"

Everyone laughed and exited the classroom together, looking forward to the shopping trip.


On the day of the shopping trip, Shoji was relaxing on your bed as you stood in front of the mirror and brushed your hair. You looked into the mirror's reflection and smiled at the peaceful image of your boyfriend behind you. He wasn't often so relaxed and it was nice to see him fully unwind once in a while. It was also nice to get just a little bit of alone time with him before the big group hang out. Besides both of your parents, the two of you weren't public with your relationship. Because of this, sometimes it was hard maintaining the "just friends" act. Still, you both agreed that you weren't ready yet for everyone to know about that aspect of your private life. 

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