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Taking a better look, in the better lit- but still not great, lighting of the clubs flashing and moving lights she realized Jimins hair was a different color than his profile photo.

Which was not a shock considering he had blond, brown, blue, even pink plastered all over his page.  But a deep grey was a huge jump and a huge commitment for someone who obviously enjoyed dyeing their hair.

The patterned suit he wore was black with gold flowers shooting up the left side, a gorgeous shine coming off the material with the matching bottom of the pants having the same design.

Lingering eyes let her catch a glimpse of his bottom, yes she would admit it if consulted about it, and it was tight.  Almost as if he danced, she'd know the body type from anywhere- she had that body.

"Enjoying the view?", Jimin smirked, completely unknowing if she was checking him out or not- simply being the cocky bastard he knew he was, as he pressed the elevator button.

Jimin was leaned against the wall, waiting for the lift just as Maeve was now doing.  Eyes locked on the small girl making her draw her eyes elsewhere.  "You can look, I mean- I hope you'd want to look.  You'll be seeing more not far from now of course.", he chuckled, giving her a quick wink but she didn't see it as she was staring at the patterned walls doing anything to not blow this experience.

"You caught me- without catching me, looking at your ass.  What on earth makes you think I don't want to look, Park Jimin?", she responded, maybe coming off a bit too sassy for her liking but Jimin didn't mind.

The elevator dinged, nobody coming out of it but that was no surprise considering it read 'PRIVATE' on the sign above of.  "Was it nice?", he asked, guiding her in by the waist, as if he was protecting her from some big bad elevator monster, with a gentle touch on the back.

"Was what nice?"

"My ass."

Maeve smiled so quick her eyes shut tight and her nose wrinkled, but alas, she nodded.  "Dancer?", she asked and received a nod right back from the man- he wasn't too tall but not too short either she enjoyed the few inch height difference.

"Used to be my life, dear."

The doors opened slowly, again with Jimin guiding her out but lingering his hand on the waist of her skirt.  Gently putting his fingers under the elastic band and running them across the hem ever so lightly.

"Drink?", he offered, already letting go of her and over to his own bar tending booth. 

The room was huge, a giant round bed with mirrors all around it, more open space than she'd ever of imagined, black glass tables laced with gold imprints- as everything else in the room was colored, lights that were the most perfect shade of white she'd ever seen on a light source.

"Please.  Whatever you're having.", she answered, still in awe of this room.  Sure, she's wealthy- grew up wealthy and very well taken care of and still is, but the colors here were so much more mature than she'd had her whole life.

Details were down right perfection.  There was even a stripper pole that was just beside a huge black couch that was rounded- with small glimmers of glitter, obviously left there and too difficult to get off, that reflected off the lights.

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