Chapter 1

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"skaiyler leigh", miss oak shouted, "you are requested downstairs".

Skaiyler changed out of her pajamas and into one of her usual outfits; a black MCR tee shirt that had 'im not okay' written on it, some black skinny jeans that hung off of her legs due to her extremely skinny body shape, black pumps and a leather jacket. She brushed her dark brown nearly black hair out of her eyes and drew winged eyeliner on her eyelids, grabbed her phone and headphones and walked downstairs.

"it took you long enough!" said miss oak seeming very ticked off, "skaiyler, there are two people in reception who asked for a girl your age. Go and meet them then see what you think".

Skaiyler nodded and walked to reception whilst slowly drifting into a daydream whilst listening to welcome to the black parade by MCR, then she snapped out of her daydream as she saw two VERY familiar figures, dan and phil.

"hi, my name is skaiyler", she said, her cheeks turning scarlett.

"hi, im dan, AND im PHIIILLLL", phil finished dans sentence.

Skaiyler and the two men got talking about things like youtube and twitter and bands until miss oak interupted.
"skaiyler, your time is up".

"goodbye, dan, goodbye phil. It was nice to meet you both". Skaiyler moped, she was sad it was over. And also that dan and phil would find someone better than her to adopt.

Miss oak grabbed skaiyler by the fore arm to push her out the room making skaiyler wince at the contact between her cuts and miss oaks hands.
"ouch, youre hurting me!" shouted skaiyler, standing up for herself.

"tough", said miss oak, squeezing her arm harder.

"enough!" shouted dan. "stop hurting her!"

"excuse me mr howell but this is none of your business", said miss oak through gritted teeth.

"it is my business actually as we will be adopting skaiyler. So i will ask you again, let her go and stop hurting her otherwise i will ring childline and get you locked away for abuse, got it?" dan said with anger in his voice.

"well if you will be adopting her then right this way, mr howell and mr lester" replied miss oak, turning sweet as sugar again.

"go pack your stuff kiddo", said phil to skaiyler with a smile.
So thats what she did, she packed all her stuff up into what fit into 2 bin bags and 2 carrier bags and took it all down to the lobby, where she saw a smiling dan and phil waiting by the door.

"ready to go?" dan asked

"you sure you want мє? You could adopt so many other kids that are so much better than мє", replied skaiyler.

"we want you, only you" said phil with a sweet smile.

••••••••••••• time lapse •••••••••••••••

"so this is your apartment?" skaiyler questioned them.

"yep", replied dan.

"wanna see your room?" asked phil.

"sure", smiled skaiyler, never before has she been so happy.
Dan and phil lead skaiyler to her own room, phils old room.

"where do you sleep then phil?" said skaiyler with a smirk, secretely hoping her new parents, phan, were canon.

"errr.... I sleep on the sofa, until we sort out the errr... Spare room for me" said phil stuttering a lot.

Skaiyler went back to her room and unpacked, it was wierd being somewhere new before, skaiyler only left the adoption center to go to school.

Once skaiyler had unpacked all her things and gotten her room exactly how she wanted it,
Dan shouted "skai, phil, come here a sec".
Skaiyler and phil went to dan in the living room to see what it was.

"what pizza toppings do you guys want?" dan asked.

"Just cheese please", skaiyler replied

"ham and pineapple please", said phil

"Alright, i have sent the order".Said dan, shoving his laptop off of his knees, before getting up and saying "hey skai, can we look at your room, see how youve changed it and everything?"

"yeah sure, but i havent really moved anything around, i like it the way it is. I just moved some ornaments around to put some photos up, thats all." replied skaiyler.

They all went to look at skaiylers room anyways. It was how she described it, not very different but slightly changed around.

"Just gonna go and get a drink" said dan, trying to leave the awkward silence.

Once he had left phil turned to skaiyler and said "please, can you roll up your sleeves? I just want to check your okay" said phil.
Skaiyler did as she was told and rold up her sleeves showing rows and rows of cuts and scars. A tear sneeked out of phils eyes as he hugged her.

"no more, for me, for dan and for yourself". Said phil calmly.

"I will try.... Dad?" She asked.

Phil smiled as she called him dad, it made him feel like he really was part of her life.

"I love you skai", said phil.

"I love you too dad", she replied with a smile, wiping away a single tear.

•••••••••••• time lapse •••••••••••••

"Jesus christ im full", said dan moving his pizza box aside.

Skaiyler had eaten 3 pizza slices and left the other 7 for dan and phil.

"Thanks for the pizza you guys put im really not too hungry, i think im just gonna go to bed", she said as she put her pizza box on the kitchen counter, the returned to the living room and gave dan and phil a kiss on the cheek each "night dad (dan), night daddy (phil)", said skaiyler.

"night darling", the two men said in unison.

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