Hardships hurt

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Hey im back im so sorry i know im a terrible author i just havent had any motivation ive been working on this for like months and its short and bad i am so sorry i love you guys.

Love is a dangerous thing it can spreads love or it can spread hate sadness pain but sometimes it brings both. Seokjin's fingers typed quickly click clack click clack the computer went a small pop heard as he cracked his back. Namjoons treatment was expensive and if he didn't publish this book soon he wouldn't have treatment anymore. He let out a sigh its nor only him working Namjoon picked up a part time job and all of their friends are chipping in but somehow he felt so alone.

Love he loves Namjoon very very much but sometimes he thinks they weren't meant to be. Maybe after he knows Namjoon is safe he'll break it off he doesn't need to hurt himself or s more. Click clack click clack "love is dangerous which is why i wont fall in love. I don't do well with pain and i don't want to cry anymore. I wont take the risk no no no. So why did i fall in love when i knew this well i'll never know all i know is that she was so pretty" click clack click clack. Love is a dangerous thing.

His hands moving swiftly on the keys as he pours his heart out into the character. He was so pretty though seeing him on the floor in the alleyway case might not of been the best start he was so pretty. Soft snores leaving his slightly parted mouth click clack click clack love is a dangerous thing the first time he saw him he felt his heart throb. "I cant let him go" the whisper left his mouth quickly. He continued writing the spoken thought racing through his mind. I should've known that love could never be that easy im a witch after all. A witch can never be truly happy im a fool such a big fool and now because of me he is cursed. He scanned over the page checking mistakes "shit this isnt about me" he let out typing again fixing his mistake. This a girlxgirl he is cursed how could he be so foolish.

He sighed heavily maybe i should take a break a quick one he thought. He looked at the time 3:59 am the clock read. "Shit" the man spoke. Loud cracks and pops were heard as he got up from his chair. He's visiting Namjoon at 8 and if he falls asleep it'll be long till he wakes up again.

I looked at my clock through my drowsy eyes 11:22 it read. I shot up shit i fell asleep i feel asleep i repeated to myself as u quickly ran to my bathroom and freshened up. I ran to my car still tired i drove to the hospital almost there as the car in front of me stopped. My car rammed into theres and i got flung upwards as my seatbelt broke pushing me to my broken window. Shit was the last thing i thought before blacking out with blood on my forehead.

I woke up to bright lights being above me i looked around realizing where i was with a throbbing pain on my head, right arm, and left thigh. Shit i had been thinking that word a lot Shit shit shit shit shit i felt a few tears roll down my face as i let out a small chuckle, but then my mind shifted to something
someone more important Namjoon. Love is a powerful thing hes all i think about now. Anyways i frantically pressed the nurse button after what felt like forever a nurse came in. "Good you're awake does anything hurt" the short nurse said. I told the nurse all the information she needed as she let out small nods and gave me pain meds to take. "I actually have one more question i came here with the intention if seeing my um boyfriend i was wondering if i could go see him now" i asked shyly. "Um well about that you are in critical condition and you csnt get out of bed yet so you cannot go see him. If you would like we could give you updates on how he is doing we just need his name. "Kim namjoon" i muttered out feeling upset. "Huh" the nurse said confused "thats his name kim namjoon" i said quietly. She smiled before leaving.

Um im ending the chapter here  i just want to say thank you for giving me 13k i dont deserve it yall are the best ever im sorry but ive been very busy. I love yall so much you are all so perfect and i love you. I hate life but you all make it better this chapter was short so i apologize but i tried to make it good. I hope you enjoyed this love you all. Oh and dont think i forgot about hugs(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ(つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ. 870 words pretty good right.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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