Happy hours

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I hope this chapter makes you happy you are all very very beautiful. I love you and appreciate you. Thank you so much for the support because even at the hardest times I will always be here for you. Dedicated to valentines day. Lets get it.
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Namjoon's POV
Happy hours are all hours right now. I feel like I'm on cloud nine and not even cancer can darken these cotton candy skies.(If you get it you get it). I feel so happy that nothing can make me sad ... I think. Anyways I always have this goofy smile on my face and I get perfect sleep at night. Life feels unreal maybe it is quick pinch yourself. As I did so I let out a shriek. Causing Seokie to look at me with worry which did get me out of my thoughts.

I plopped down on my bed almost screaming in my pillow. Ok in hindsight I did hear water running and singing but but like he should've locked the door AGH.

Here was poor Namjoon blushing massively why you may ask he walked into Seokjin showering SHOWERING which means he was naked which means he had a perfectly good view of his light abs and his long thick AGHH. Here was Namjoon now banging his head against the headboard trying to get his dirty thoughts out his mind.

Namjoon's POV
Now I have a problem but the bigger problem was the water stopped running and they shared a room. Fun fact Seokjin doesn't bring his clothes to the bathroom with him. Why must life do him that. He was living a nice wholesome life but now he's horny. But you wouldn't believe what he saw when looked up. It was seokjin with dripping hair and a towel wrapped dangerously to low on his waist. And namjoon just couldn't help the scream he let out or the red color invading his cheeks. The last straw was seokjin staring at him.

Next thing you knew they were both on their bed making out messily. Namjoon's clothes discarded laying on their floor carelessly. Heavy panting was along with skin slapping and moans. The headboard they had ruthlessly banging against the wall. I'll spare you the details though. This wasn't their first time having sex their first being when Jin asked him out a week ago when they made sweet love, but this was only their second time and Namjoon wasn't aware of how rough Jin got.
Long story short Namjoon's ass hurt all day lucky for him though Jin worked from home so he could take care of him.

Namjoon's POV
I was perched on the counter watching as Jinnie effortlessly and skillfully cooked. He was making more kimchi since we were almost out. I watched as he slathered the fiery red paste on the cabbage. He could slather his cu- stop it Namjoon you have sex twice and now look at you. Soon I heard a baby can you get me the kitchen scissors. I excitedly got them happy to be useful and my reward was a kiss to the cheek. I watched as he put the kimchi away and went to clean up. Not before I took the leftover cabbage and the seasoning stacked on it and put it in my mouth.

Soon Seokjin was making the main dish Jjajangmyeon . They both loved the noodle and it was a pretty often dish we ate. I got down from the counter to get my laptop then retreated back. Me and Jinnie were looking for houses. Although we love our house we want something a big bigger and modern. So that is what I was on the hunt for. We already found some open houses and showing but nothing quite caught our interest . I scrolled through many many house until the food was done.

Short timeskip like really short :)

Seokjin's POV
Namjoon has been looking really out of it. He is always spacing out. Its been happening since I asked him out and although I feel like I'm on cloud 9 most of the time. Maybe he didn't want to be my boyfriend and I accidentally forced him into it since he's too nice. I quickly became worried and I guess Namjoon noticed that because he asked if I was ok.

It seemed like the time to address things so I cleared my throat " Hey Joonie its okay you don't want to be my boyfriend. I don't want to force you into anything you don't feel comfortable with." First Joon looked confused then sad then happy then he was laughing " What makes you think I don't want to be your boyfriend." Then it was my turn to be confused " I- Well um you've been spacing out a lot and you don't listen to me anymore. I just assumed that- yeah" He just shook his head then said " No I was just think about" I raised my eyebrow "I was thinking about how I love you and well um so you see" " What is it you can tell me hon I wont judge" " I was also think about you fucking me."

I started to burst out laughing I thought my relationship was on the line because he was horny. He started hitting me which made me laugh harder. "Yknow baby you can tell me when your horny I could've went a second round" I said. His eyes lit up and he was tugging my shirt complaining. I pulled him off of me " Not now baby finish your food wait an hour and then we can fuck"I said. He pouted but I cant tell he was still satisfied. We ate our food and talked about our day we later on went to "watch" a kdrama but not really since Joon was too horny leading in us fucking.

End of chapter :)
Hey guys I hope that made you guys happy sometimes the world can be so hard that we need to find our way to escape. Do what makes you happy remember that expectations are from people who don't even meet them. So why should you society has no perfect people but you're pretty close. We live in a trash world so lets let ourselves be trashy for a moment. Anyways goodbye and obviously hugs ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ(つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ no matter who you are I love you. ♥︎☺︎︎ 1066 words. :)

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