Love you

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Hey yall thank you so so much for 5k I know I'm late since were almost at 5.5k but its the thought that counts. I'ma try to get two chapters out but I do have school tomorrow so if it doesn't get out tomorrow sorry.

Namjoons POV

I woke up with something around me wrapping me tight. I wiggled then looked up seeing Jin. I blushed furiously immediately looking down moving my hands to my face.
I heard a voice grumble "why are you awake" I look over at the clock it was only 7:09 "sorry" I mumbled. He held me even tighter and put his head in the crook if my neck. I slowly closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

When I woke up again the hold and warmth was gone. My eyes barely opened as I turned to look at the clock. There was a yellow sticky note on the bedside table it read " hey baby my work called me in for an emergency I left you breakfast. I should be back by lunch. Take your medicine love you - Jin." I rubbed my eyes with a frown on my face. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom. I took a long hot shower. Brushed my teeth and took my medicine.

I went downstairs yo the fridge look for the food left for me I found warmed it up and sat myself at the couch. I put on paw patrol and ate before I turned little and made a mess. I put my plate in the sink and got my little stuff. I colored to my heart's content until I was tired

Jins POV

I woke up at 8:20 (my birthday in time hehe) I got up pretty early because I had something planned. Today I was going to ask Namjoon  to be my be my boyfriend. I carefully got up to not wake Namjoon ,and wrote him a note. I showered,brushed my teeth and got ready.

This is taking too long I started like mid November and its not even good. I'm sorry I just haven't been feeling motivated love you guys um 😕 hugs ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ(つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ this was like almost 400 words I love you guys thanks for being so patient with me. Depression does a huge toll on you and I know I'm not writing the best but I'm trying and I hope you like it.

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