Like last night my sister stopped by my chambers

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Like last night my sister stopped by my chambers. She was in a a slightly more fitted white and dark blue gown and wrapped at the waist with a dark blue belt. She wore a long beaded necklace and a transparent robe over her dress. Her hair was put into a bun with a silver crown.

 Her hair was put into a bun with a silver crown

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Sister you look very regal." Seraphina complimented. "Thank you Sera. You look beautiful as well." I complimented her back. "Shall we?" I held my hand out to her. She accepted and we walked to the ball room.

When we arrived I looked around to see Sovieshu, Navier, and Rashta. Luckily Rashta took my advice and don't wear blue. Instead she was wearing a dark green dress. Honestly it didn't look really good on her. Navier was wearing her signature color red dress I had gifted her last Christmas.

"Welcome everyone to the annual Winter Ball. As you know this ball is to commemorate one of the Norther Empire's legends. The Snow Queen." I announce.

"Thanks to her reign not once has the empire had any raging storms thanks to our Snow Queen. With her powers she kept the empire safe and every year honor her with this Winter Ball. Let us honor our greatest ruler and enjoy ourselves this wonderful night." Everyone rejoiced before going back to their own activities.

I was dancing with Seraphina in the center of the dance floor. After our dance out of the corner of my eyes I saw Sovieshu coming towards us.

"Imperial empress, may I have this dance?" I stared at him for a while before heading him my hand. "You may."

The two of us danced in silence. Until Sovieshu broke it. "May I ask for advice imperial empress?" I sigh and roll my eyes. "Why should I give you advice if you didn't listen to it the last time?" "I promise to listen to it this time. Please imperial empress I beg for your help." He begged.

I stared at him before nodding. "What is it then?"

"It's about Navier and Rashta. How do I get Navier to like Rashta as I do." I gave a soft giggle. I covered my mouth while Sovieshu looked confused. "What's so funny imperial empress?"

"You want Navier to like Rashta?" "Yes."

I slow down my giggle. "That won't be possible Sovieshu." I told him. I then remembered Rashta's little secret. Of course I wasn't going to tell Sovieshu. When the time comes he'll face the severe consequences.

"Navier has every right not to like Rashta. As do I. Rashta slithered into everyone's life like a venomous little snake. She bit you with her venom and now you are completely entranced by her. You completely side with her and think every time she cries it's Navier's fault. Rashta constantly disobeys anything anyone says, even if it's for her own good and yet we are to blame."

I lean closer to Sovieshu's ear. "My advice to you. Get rid of Rashta while you still can. Or else the venom in your veins will eventually kill you and the little snake wins." From that point I walk away, leaving Sovieshu scared. As he should be.

After dancing and chatting with a few more nobles I retired to my chambers.

"I notice you talked with the emperor of the eastern empire. May I ask what it was about imperial empress?" Darla asked as she brushed my hair. "I simply told him to get rid of the snakes in the palace. They're venomous and need to be gone for good." I smirked. Darla knew what I was talking about and nodded.

"That they do imperial empress. That they do."

Red Rose | The Remarried EmpressHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin