18. Rains in the Tundra

Start from the beginning


You all speed up your pace. As time goes by, and the higher you climb, the ground becomes rocky and the vegetation drier. Some Yanma flutter around you.

Lady Sneasler and Sneasel pass you and trot joyfully ahead.

"We're entering her territory now. She knows the area very well.", explains Ingo.

Suddenly, the thunder rumbles, startling Sneasel who pricks up his hears and mews anxiously. Above an everlasting icy ravine, you become aware of the large mass of black clouds closing in on you.

"It comes from the Cobalt Coastlands and will soon be pouring all over the swamps below."

Although the path starts out gently uphill, Ingo warns you that you will have to do some climbing in due course.

You come across some Paras and Parasect, which Lady Sneasler manages to keep at a safe distance with a piercing glance, prompting Sneasel to sneer at them.

After hiking along the Coronet escarpment, you are all forced to stop and take a break, completely exhausted. Ingo takes off his hat and fans himself with it, while you pull repetitively on your tunic to cool off. Lady Sneasler squats, and Sneasel downright lies down on the ground.

You are relieved that the water in your flask is satisfyingly fresh, as you have filled it in a meltwater pool.

"Beyond that ridge", Ingo describes after recovering his breath, pointing in the direction of an arête, "There's a network of caves and grottoes. We will seek shelter in until the rain passes. We might even be able to reach the Diamond Settlement at nightfall if we can keep up with the pace."

Sneasel cries out in despair, as if to say, "I can't take it any more!"

"What a nerve!", you retort. "Lady Sneasler was nice enough to carry you whenever you were tired during the trip!"

You exhale and finally stand up. Stretching, your aching back cracks so hard that it makes Ingo jump.

"A-all right, (Name), that's enough carrying the backpack. I will seek Machamp's assistance from now on, as the ascent will get even steeper."

"I can still hold onto it, Ingo..."

"Trust me. You and your back will thank me later."

Machamp comes out of the Poké Ball and lets out a delighted cry. He takes short strides and hits an invisible punching bag before standing at attention in front of his Trainer.

"How are you? I apologise for the abrupt request, but would you be so kind and help us carry my friend (Name)'s belongings? I would be most grateful."

Machamp smiles from ear to ear, seemingly not accustomed to Ingo's asking for such spontaneous favour. The tall Pokémon happily extends one of his hands to you.

"Thank you, Machamp. It shouldn't be too heavy for a Pokémon as strong as you!"

He modestly scratches the back of his head with one hand and flexes his muscles on two other arms. He then picks up Ingo's bag too, despite his opposition. However, seeing that his Pokémon is unwilling to change his mind, he gives in:

"Thank you, my friend. I, too, was in a dire need of a break..."

Ingo's words make Machamp's smile even brighter.

"(Name) and Lady Sneasler, are you ready to press on?"

You both agree, and Lady Sneasler straightens up with unparallel grace.

You must admit that you are feeling much better without the additional weight, even more as the terrain becomes rougher. 

You find it even difficult to keep up. 

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