e m p e r o r

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"A joyous day?" You tilted your head towards her in confusion. What is so joyous that she has to share it with you, the daughter of a concubine she hates so much?

"Indeed.  We're discussing your marriage to the Fu's dear. "

You froze when you heard what she had said. The Fu's were famous for their barbaric ways. You've never once heard anything good from them in the rumors. All of the gossip about them was full of blood and violence. This woman wants to send you to them as a peace offering while making sure to get rid of you in the process!

"I see, thank you imperial mother for this wonderful gift to this fifth princess. This fifth princess is very happy hearing this news."

"Your welcome dear. Your marriage will be held in a few days so make sure you prepare well for the journey."

She says as she dismisses you. The emperor couldn't care less about you. You figure he doesn't even remember your name. No one in this room cared enough for you to stop this woman's plan. 

You had expected this from her. Your mother and she had always clashed, always ending with your mother in the lead for the emperor's favor. But because she has a better backing since she is a duke's daughter, the emperor decided to let her be the empress while your mother was the concubine. Honestly, you also put your mother on the blame for this. She's too naive to think the emperor would choose her purely out of love.

One day, your mother was poisoned to death and the culprit was never found. The emperor, although saddened by her sudden departure, couldn't care less. He has so many other women he could come to. Although she was your mother, you didn't really have that attachment to her as her daughter. How could you not? All day, she only cried for the emperor and relished in his love. Never has she spared one look for you. 

The woman who raised you only gave you the necessary stuff to live like food and clothes. You had to self-taught everything yourself by sneaking into the palace library. Thankfully, the librarian there was friendly and even gave you some lessons on certain things. It's a shame he no longer works there due to him accidentally offending the first prince.

Because of this, you grew into a very clever girl who lacks etiquette and manners. 

But who cares about those right?


Everyone does.

But anyway, because of this, you had a shortage of potential suitors since no family would want a daughter-in-law who was rude with no etiquette. Normally, this would be the doom of a girl's life but for you, it was heaven. You can focus more on having fun instead of worrying about your husband and family. No one would lecture you or scold you for sitting incorrectly. 

But then this came and now you have to get married to someone. 

Well if this is how they want to get rid of you, you'll make sure you go with a bang. 

"Packing is done, dowry check, what else do I need to bring with me?"

You don't really have that much stuff to begin with so the packing process was short, same with the dowry. They purposefully gave you the bare minimum to probably embarrass you and tell the Fu's your status. You don't really mind whether or not the Fu's accept you. Besides, doesn't this mean they are telling your soon-to-be husband that your kingdom thinks low of them? Their puny brains probably didn't think that far. If your husband wages war against them, you will cheer the loudest in the back. 

The surprise you have for them is also ready. When your carriage leaves, the surprise would trigger itself and will definitely cause a huge ruckus. Although it's sad you can't see their reactions, at least you can hear their screams of panic.

infatuated | yandere x reader [ON HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora