Robin Singer Character Profile

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Robin Singer- Wells

Back in the early 80's Bobby Singer frequently hunted with a woman named Adelaide Wells, lovingly referred to as Addy. The two developed a deep bond and she was the first woman that Bobby loved (perhaps the only) after the death of his wife Karen. Eventually the two became intimate resulting in the birth of their daughter, Robin.

Bobby had always feared becoming a parent. He also feared his own child being raised in the world of hunters, having seen the effects of this world on Dean and to a lesser extent Sam Winchester. He begged Addy to leave the hunting game and raise their daughter. Addy agreed on one condition, if something were to happen to her, Bobby would take her in and be a father. Reluctantly, Bobby agreed to the terms.

In 1993, Addy is hunted down by a witch who got away on a hunt they were on many years prior. The witch tells Addy she will make her daughter the thing she despises most, turning her into a witch. She then kills Addy but leaves seven-year-old Robin alive. Robin is taken to her father and as he promised he took her in. Distracted by the concept of being a father, this is also when Bobby makes a fatal error in Omaha and his long-term hunting partner Rufus stops speaking to him. Having had no other choice than to take Robin with him on a case, the two are attacked by a shapeshifter, who tries to kill Bobby. The shifter takes the form of Bobby and pleads for Robin to kill the real Bobby. Without realizing, Robin makes the shifter burst into flames and destroys it. This is when Bobby realizes the secret about his daughter and asks how she knew which was which. She told him, "By the colors that were all around you" (Robin can see Auras).

After a great deal of struggle, Bobby realizes he needs help with parenting and being in the life and calls John Winchester. He however warns Robin to never let anyone know about her powers. He mostly fears John finding out with his "shoot-first-ask-questions-later" mentality. "I will protect you with my dying breath little girl, but let's try to keep it from coming to that."

Robin grows up with the Winchester boys. She develops a deep bond with both boys. Sam becoming a big brother figure to her. This is to the extent that when Bobby (trying to give her a normal life) demands she attend her prom, he asks Sam to find her a date. Sam sends his friend Brady, who Robin ends up losing her virginity to on Prom night.

Dean also views her as a little sister, to the extent when she turned nine and had to get glasses, he lovingly referred to her as "Specks." However, around the same time, Robin develops a girlish crush on the teenage bad-boy.

Around 1999, John leaves the boys for too long at Bobby's resulting a blow up. John also discovered that Bobby had supported Sam's wish to go to Stanford University and is furious. When Sam goes to college, he stays in contact with the Singers, but John and Dean do not speak to them again until years later.

It was around this time that Bobby introduces Robin to the Harvelle family. Jo is just a little older than Robin and the two become fast friends, as both girls want to be hunters and both of them face opposition from their parents.

In 2001, the girls meet the hunter Gordon, who takes them both on their first real hunt. Both Ellen and Bobby are furious. Jo eventually goes on another hunt with Ellen's permission two years later. Robin tells Bobby she will never go on a hunt with Gordon again. "He loves the blood too much dad, he's ruthless and I'm afraid of what he would do if he found out about me." Trusting his daughter's instincts, Bobby goes out of his way to make sure she stays off Gordon's radar.

In her teen years, Robin continues to embrace the hunter life, to Bobby's dismay, as he tries to raise her as a normal teenager. Robin's goal is to be the best hunter there has ever been. She studies different fighting techniques and styles. Unbeknownst Bobby, Robin reaches out to John, to find resources on lore, monsters, and incantations, but John tells her that her father has the best resources he's ever seen and dismisses her. Dean reaches out to her without John's knowledge and starts to tell her stories of cases he'd been on. Dean disappointed Robin when his stories typically included a sexual conquest. Her previous image of him was dashed. Moving on from her preteen crush on him, she cut off contact.

Robin gains the attention of the local sheriff Jody Mills. Jody sees Robin is a good and smart kid, even if her dad is a paranoid drunk (the town believes). She often goes out of her way to be a mother figure to Robin.

After her graduation in 2004, Bobby finally starts to let Robin get involved in the life, teaching her himself and allowing her to come on lower risk cases. However, he benches her at the end of September 2005 when she tries to seduce a monster to gain the upper hand in a fight. While she is successful, the risk and seeing his daughter use her femininity like that is too much for him to handle.

In late October of the same year, Robin takes a motorbike she has been working on in the salvage yard and heads to Iowa. Here she poses as a pledge for a local sorority, meanwhile investigating a case where a Hook-man is killing off locals connected to the pastor's daughter, who is also a pledge. This is where she crosses paths once again with the Winchester boys.

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