part .25

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"How could you think this is the right choice grand uncle?! it's too much to risk too soon i don't i don't think-"

"Pause! Relax son, you are thinking with your heart and not your head again i have watched the young lady for 5 years straight you should see how she handles herself especially around you."

I sat down still confused at the idea.

"G-Uncle is right she's a strong woman not to speak of sexy as hell " i gave Mal a threatening glare.

"Chill! Remember she's my sister to be and i can't screw things up with violet its too soon but all im saying is that bonnie can do this Seb besides she's our only choice"

"Running the mafia is no joke i trained for years to!- to!-"

"To find solutions in chaos my son besides you will get to see your daughter more often and we will get to see her as well we just need you under covers till you clear this up with Romano, Bonnie is one of us now its time she understands it" i looked at my mum this meant a lot to her Shit.

"Plus she makes an incredible waffle stack I've been craving them for a long while now" my great uncle said while the room lit up with laughter.


"Oh my gosh there's shit all the way down here back! She's 2 weeks old how can she shit so much!" Mickey said literally baffled at how my little girl pooped on him

"Oh calm down mickey she's a newborn, they remove a lot of stuff and if you curse around my baby again I'll pull your nut sack clean off so wouldn't have your own understood?!" i said while wiping the back of my baby.

He just shook his head clearly in fear"of course only my baby mama would threaten a man's entire future linage"

"Seb?! Babe its like 1 in the afternoon what are you doing around here its not safe you need to leave"

"That's just it WE do need to leave-"

"Oh my gosh! this house is so nice! Damn Seb you really out did yourself- BONNIE!!!" i looked up and saw mal.

"Mal?! What are you doing here?!"

"That's what i was going to explain before i was interrupted by my dumb sister we need to leave Bonnie Baby like right now!"that's when i noticed the men moving around grabbing bags and boxes of stuff.

"Nah uh! no! no!, don't tell me you made another ME centered decision without ME Seb!"

"Well it was sort of the whole family but yeah we did-"Mal said lowly

"I HAVE A GOT DAMN NEW BORN MORETTIE! she has doctors appointments and mummy and me classes and oh yeah they're all here! Where the hell do you want me to go?!"

"Oh yeah i forgot to warn you ,birth made her bonniex10 " mickey said taking my baby girl quietly out of the chaos.

"That makes this even more perfect! Seb please tell her the quick version while i Go look at my incredibly cute niece!" She said running after mickey.

"My love we are close to figuring things out but the whole family has agreed that this is not the way to live or the place for me to keep coming back in and out of to see her and go back to make decisions and recently that has been hard to do basically as my future wife,a morrettie of this DON you need to take over while I'm in hiding and my mum really wants to see and name the baby So just pack her travel essentials cause i have everything for her back home" i looked at him in shock And out of all that all i could think of was.

"Can i even take a newborn on a plane?!"he chuckled

"Yes well in the conditions i have set yes you can"i failed to let out anymore words when a gaurd filled the quiet.

"Sir everything is set "he just nodded in response.

"Ahhhhh its so much shit!!" I heard Mal scream this time with mickey laughs in the background.

"Ready my love?!" He said Bringing my attention back to him then he pecked my lips and i slapped the shit out of him.

"With the shit you've got me into no! But i still love you and i know that you love that angel in there so i will endure" i said and sahayed away to pack my baby's stuff and save Mal from baby poop.


I sat in the plane thinking of a thousand  things that could go wrong with this but a thousand that could go right while i hold my cheek in pain damn she can hit!.

"She got you good didn't she?! But likes it cool cause you love her and junk besides she's hot you can't be mad at that except i here you can't like get in there for like the next 3 months cause its a mess and stuff-"

"Mal seriously it's not the time for all this unless you want me to punch the shit out of you"

"You know i feel unappreciated by you most of the time but i just wanted to lighten you up before i tell you you got an email from Romano its on Seb and im afraid that if this plan doesn't work out we will lose everything and a ton more"she said then looking at my future wife nursing my angel.


Hey guys indeed i do know i have been gone for so long but bare with me editing will be more consistent in a bit but for now slow and steady.

Also a huge thank you for 26+k reads!!! Like what?! That's insane and almost a thousand votes y'all are just chief kiss worthy i love you all!!

To all Bonbons

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