part <28>

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I walked out and released the breath I had been holding, I'm shocked I didn't pass out.

"It's a beautiful sight to finally see our Queen actually use her title" I turned and my worry turned into a smile.

"Veno" I ran to give him a hug

"Hello queen" veno was always the protective big brother I always wished to have he truly has broken a few bones for my sake.

"Look at you, all woman now, I never thought I would get to see you again you know I was so worried for you but ma familia first Bon I'm sorry"

"It's okay veno you don't have to explain, I had a tuff time at first accepting that our world wasn't just petty thefts and pawn shops but a whole chain of strength built with family. You were just doing what you had too"

"And I've never been so proud to call you Donna" he bowed his head a bit in respect and I smiled he always did it but now it was for a true reason.

"I heard you have a daughter" the hairs on my neck lifted"dont worry only us ment to protect you truly know"

"Thank you, but yes I do and I think she'd love to meet her uncle veno"

"Well she should be ready to meet her aunt as well,I'm married now bonnie going on 2 years"

I gasped "Shut up! Oh my gosh veno I'm so happy for you! I always thought you'd die a whore"

And he laughed "no,no Claire is all I could have every needed and asked for"

"Well why don't you come over tonight with her and the rest of the guys and we can have dinner together, like old times"

"You know a fresh home cooked meal is something they can't turn down, we will be there"

I said my goodbyes and walked out with micky towards the car parked up front when I heard someone call my name again but this voice I surely knew it was burnt into my head like a tattoo.

"Donna huh? Well you sure do look the part It would have been easier if you owned up to it years ago"
Officer Petts stood there next to a car right behind ours.

"I knew you had no life,if you could follow me for all these years, are you really that obsessed with me?"

"AH I see you're even more sassy than before, well seeing that your hands are still very clean I'm obviously here for your fiance not you but grade a class act you have going on here"

I started to walk slowly towards her "I always knew you were a pathetic detective because you would have clearly seen that this wasn't an act, it never was ,I am the donna and due to my husbands disappearance I am the main bitch in charge so your fight is with me robo cop and I don't intend to fucking lose"

"Lets go mickey I've talked to enough toy gun cops today I have work to do"

I got in the car and watched as she threw a little tantrum throwing her hat on the ground in anger my fight with her started five years ago it's time I ended it.


"Why the he'll didn't you tell me you git interrogated after I left huh?! You could have told mickey or anyone for Christ sake!"

"Seb I've had a long day and I just want to hold my daughter and rest could I do that please"

"I'm sorry but my love if someone has been terrorising your for over five years I think it would have been best that I knew"

"She has nothing on me, just like you said ,as long as my hands are clean she just wants you it's fine this whole thing will be cleared up in a couple weeks we just need to get those 4 major witnesses"

"2 actually I worked out chief Kiff and minister Carlo while you and been busy"

"For real! Oh thank God that means we may have our lives back sooner than later!" I hugged and kissed him.

"I'm sorry I yelled , just having you in the front line scares me my love I don't wish any harm towards you"

"You could always make it up to me "I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again.

"I think that's the only right thing to do huh?"He said giving in.

Our kiss got heated till our door was opened with Mal holding my Crying babygirl.

"I hate to break it to you but she is not going to let yall fuck like rabbits atleast not today,I have tried everything so here she's your child afterall" she handed me my baby and walked out.

"I guess not tonight hun" and I gave him a kiss and walked away trying to calm my baby down.

THAT'S MY BONNIEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin