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Bonnie's POV

1 year before he left
He pushed me aganist the car again and I moaned as he started to kiss my neck right where he knew I'm the weakest.

We had been outside the club house where he parked the car in the woods that surrounded the house near a clearing.

The car wasn't visible from the house that's probably why I believe he's being very sexually ambitious right now but honestly he always was.

"Seb, seb, my love" he just groaned in response with his head in my neck making me shiver.

"We can't just have sex here" he looked up at me.

"What exactly makes you think that baby? "I gave him a look of 'look around you'

He then opened the car and pushed me into the back seat he entered right after me and locked the doors, he then grabbed me by my waist and not long I was straddling him.

"Seb you can't be serious " I stated I was really shy about this.

"You really do have a smart mouth Bonnie baby, but in a bit you won't even be able to put sentences straight in your pretty little head while I'm in you" he then kissed me passionately.

"But what if some of the guys find us or hear us seb you know everyone is at the house right now "

"And that's why we're out here, and in terms of noise I recommend you bite that pretty lip of yours and try to keep it at a low" .

And in no second I was under him naked, extremely horny and extremly loud he always helped me push my limits.

And it may seem strange but that night as we watched the stars after we just had car sex for the first time out of many was also the first time he told me he loved me and I knew that I loved him back.

End of flashback

With me still against the car in his arms his threat gave me chills in both fearful and a sexual way and I was 100% sure he would do it.

He then kissed my neck right on my spot and then distanced himself from me.

" Now shall we go inside, huh Bonnie baby" I can't let him win I just can't I need to stand my ground

"fuck you" Is all I said he was about to make another statement in anger again but he got interrupted by a very familiar voice

"Bonnie! my beautiful flower! " Will.

"Will? What are you doing here?! " I pushed past Sebastian and wnet straight to check on Will.

"Did he kidnap you? Did he hurt you? Are you ok? " I asked in a panic why would Sebastian kidnap Will?

"Calm down flower you're going a mile a minute and asking as many questions as my doctor , I'm just fine"I then heard Sebastian speak behind me.

"Grand uncle wilber we've all had a long day I think we should let Bonnie freshen up first and get comfortable before you can fully inform her of your day"

"Oh whatever Sebastian I was heading for the senior center again either way I'll be back later" he then trotted to the car that was waiting for him, he waved at me and then they drove off.

"I'm not staying here with you Sebastian just tell me why you stalked me, hurt my friend and dragged me here! Cause last time I checked YOU left ME so you clearly don't Care about me, plus using your sweet old granduncle to spy on me is just below you Morettie" the use of his last name made his eye twitch it was even worse than me calling him Sebastian

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