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 It was three weeks after the coronation ball. Me and Kimi were lying down in the grass under the crabapple tree. Our crabapple tree. We were having a picnic. We had brought a small music machine and some record discs outside to listen to some music as we ate.

Not much had happened in the past three weeks. I had continued my duties as queen, trying to fix the problems of the kingdoms. No one had said anything bad about me yet, which was good. Probably a record for the least rumors a ruler has gotten in the first few weeks of their rulership. Usually the whole town is bustling with lies.

I had seen Zinta plenty of times. To return the magical books and borrow some more, for some help with spells. And just to hang out with her. She was my best friend, after all. She helped me work away stress and taught me how to cast a sleeping spell on myself so I could stop going through sleepless nights.

I properly introduced her and Kimi when she came to visit the palace. They got along quite well. They ask about each other every now and then. I was glad to have both of them at my side. Kimi knew Zinta knew about us being together. They were already planning to get Zinta someone to date so we could go on double dates.

And of course, me and Kimi are still together. We've been hanging out loads. She snuck into my room often and we made official plans together during the daytime as well. The problem with me not being married was coming up now and then, but we had a whole year to figure that out. For now, we just tried to be together.

In a year, as well as me getting married (or, more so being forced to marry) Kimi would become queen. She was excited, and ridiculously nervous. She told me I had to tell her everything about being queen so she was prepared. I promised her I would never hide anything from her.

Most repairs from the war were finished by now, because it was the whole town's effort to complete the burned buildings and make sure people have homes. It was sweet to watch the people of Fortis and Darius work together. Sweeter than chocolate or Kimi's lips after she's put on chapstick.

"Yoo-hoo, Val," Kimi giggled. "Are you even listening to me?" I laughed sheepishly and shook my head.

"No, sorry. I've been lost in thought," i said. Kimi smiled.

"Well, I'm asking you to dance with me," Kimi stated. I felt butterflies start in my stomach. "So... may I have this dance?" she asked, as if it were even a question whether i would say yes or no.

"Yes, of course," I replied. Kimi took my hand and spun me around, taking my waist. I put my hand on her shoulder and we danced, ballroom style to the soft music playing underneath our tree in my garden.

All thoughts were washed away and it was just me and her, her and me. Dancing, laughing, spinning, talking, jumping, dipping. Any other thought was washed away. We danced and danced until the record finished. Then we put on another and danced to that one too. We didn't stop, we couldn't stop.

In what felt like minutes the sun was setting. We had stopped dancing and just stood together, eating crabapples on our blanket. I rested my head on Kimi's shoulder and she wrapped one arm around me. Here we were safe. I smiled and closed my eyes.

"I love you Kimi," I murmured. I felt her smile.

"I love you Valerie," she whispered back.

The sun set behind the mountains and we curled up close. Together.

And I showed Kimi to count the stars.

                                                       Fin <3 

**Thank you for reading! Credit to pao Manzo for the picture on this one and i have no idea who did all the other photos. Btw this isn't what they look like i just liked the photo. Thanks again for reading. I will be writing a sequel!**

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