Running Out of Hope

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Kimi interrupted my thoughts so suddenly I almost toppled over.

"I have an idea!" she cheered loudly. I let out a sigh of relief. I don't think I have a cover story in me right now. "We should just stay on track, if it wasn't diagonal we should be ok, right?"

I was amazed by how simple the plan was because usually they take a lot of effort, but just following our route wasn't too hard, we could do it. A grin crossed my face. We could still win and bring peace to our kingdoms. I felt myself start to laugh. Loud and merry. Kimi laughed too, not humorously, but in relief.

So instead of mourning our defeat we raced along the path that had been laid out before us, hurrying more than ever to ensure that there was a possibility we could still win. To make sure we could trust in the fact we would be able to recollect our magical gem.

Ok, maybe I sound a bit too poetic now, but case and point, we were hurrying to the prize. The gold at the end of the rainbow, per say.

As Kimi ran her hair blew in the wind, and her smile was larger than it had been in days. She looked beautiful as ever, and my heart seized me and the speed in my blood pumping gave me enough power to not fall over panting. I still did, but a little later than I thought I would.

When we were dying of thirst after running for a while was one of many times on our adventure I desperately wanted to use magic to solve our problems. Our problem of exhaust, our problem of low food and water, every single one.

Kimi stopped with me, even though her exercise left her far from short of breath. I was glad she did though, because it was nice not to have to be sprinting to catch up to her again like when we went to go get water. That seems like ages ago now, especially since the moonstone is possibly broken. It was funny how time flew when you're busy, or when something bad happened. No matter how long or brief the time was in between.

"Do you think we have enough food for snack now and breakfast tomorrow?" Kimi asked me. I looked in our sacks and shook my head.

"We barely have enough to eat already, we can't snack now," I panted, still gasping for breath. I was starving, but I knew there was no way we could eat all our food. The moonstone hadn't turned up in our path yet, and who knows how much further we would have to go to get to it. We needed the food for later.

Kimi nodded, but she looked thoroughly disappointed. We sat for a while catching our breath. Knowing perfectly well we had to keep moving even though neither of us really wanted to go. So we stayed.

The area was rocky, and I found comfort in the cooling stones. They reminded me of our large stone-brick castle, which was cool in the summer no matter what. Laying here almost felt like lying on one of the exposed hallways from tower to tower, cool in the shade.

What a glorious feeling that would be. To be home.

Me and Kimi talked about strategy and food. About fires. About the moonstone. Kimi didn't know why the necklace stopped working or what happened to the moonstone, obviously. So she was using her ebay guess, that it had been destroyed but could still be salvaged, or something along those lines. I wish I could tell her she was wrong, it was hard to nod along to wrong theories.

It got dark quickly, but not as fast as the guilt started to settle in my stomach. So much for speeding up the pace. We stayed here almost all day.

I paid no mind to the falling sun and stayed on the cool rocks talking to Kimi.

It was a nice, good-temperature night. The sky was clear, and the breeze kept us cool from the sun and the running from earlier.

God I was so stuipid that night, just talking away with Kimi, after slacking all day. I didn't start a fire. I should've started a fire. Why didn't I start a fire? The dark essence was closing in, why didn't I sense it? What was blocking it? Did I confuse it with the overpowering dark moonstone? What was wrong with me?

No matter what it was, I knew what happened next.

I finally noticed the essence, I was about to say something. But I was too late.

Kimi screamed as the giant, ugly brute grabbed her. I gasped loudly and screamed too.

"What the hell is this thing?" Kimi yelled. She reached down to her boot and pulled out a dagger. I never realized how many weapons Kimi had up until now. She stabbed the dagger into the brutes finger before I could tell her to stop.

The thing is, I know about brutes. I have a book on magical monsters in alphabetical order and brutes were one of the simplest ones. They are big, strong, have tough skin, and always travel in large numbers. Their biggest weakness is their brain, because it is only big enough to capture movements, not strategy due to the fact it was significantly too downsized for their bodies. But in numbers they were extremely deadly, with so many big figures and weapons combined. No matter how unfortunatly weak their brains were.

So I knew that if Kimi hurt this guy, backup was coming.

And so was a lot of blood.

The brute roared loud and clear. Anguish seethed his cry. Kimi covered her ears. I couldn't help but think it was a bit funny until I realized we were seriously screwed once the backup got here.

"Kimi stab that thing until it drops you, we need to go!" I screamed. She nodded, even though I could tell she was questioning it. She continued to stab the beats but it wouldn't let go. Even when Kimi hit a nerve he wouldn't let her go. I could tell he was starting to get murderous. "Ok stop, it's not working," my voice sounded desperate. I could hear the brutes getting closer. I needed a plan, and fast.

I was too late.

At least 70 brutes surrounded us, I could tell there was no escaping this if I didn't do something fast. Kimi looked almost as murderous as the brutes. But she also looked scared. I was too. Because a select few of these brutes were magical, dark and gray magic essences ran through them.

As of now, there's only one way for us to win this battle. And I really don't like it.

To be quite honest, I don't want to hurt the brutes. With a few years of brain evolution they could be the most amazing creatures. They were strong and tall enough to construct full castles and large buildings. They would probably be amazing in battle, and their tough enough to be weapon smiths.

But right now, none of that is possible. And none of it would be possible if I didn't get us out of this god-awful situation. The brutes were closing in, Kimi continued to stab the big brute so it would drop her and let go. I was still hoping that worked too, even though I know it might just make things worse.


"What?" Kimi replied. "Got a new plan,"

"Sort of," I said, voice quivering. "Just... don't freak out ok?"

"... Ok?" Kimi said back, question in her tone. I took a deep breath and faced the brutes.

"I'm very sorry about this," I called up to them. "I really am, I think you guys are remarkable creatures, I hope we can become friends in the future," Kimi looked more confused than ever. I gulped and took another deep breath. "Caecus!" I screamed. The brutes instantly dropped down and covered their eyes as a bright flash flashed through them. Kimi got dropped to the ground and I sort of caught her. But she dodged away.

"What the hell?" she screamed. "You're... you're... one of them? One of those people? With the spells? What the hell Valerie?" she was screaming louder. "Can't you hear me? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT VALERIE? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I didn't respond because it was taking me everything to not cry. Her voice was tainted with hate and fear. Resentment, anxiety. Tears fell down my face. Kimi, thinking I was either exhausted or preparing to spell her, or some other reason, ran for it. She grabbed her pack and ran. I looked up and saw Kari on the top of the pouch. I was sobbing now.

I've lost my faerie. 

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