A Great Darkness

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I woke up the next morning to Kimi humming her song from the campfire. It was quieter, I assumed because she didn't want to wake me. I listened while she hummed, trying to see if she was muttering the words, but her voice stayed too quiet, or it was not at all being used. Soon Kimi turned to face me and smiled. Her humming stopped abruptly.

"Good morning," she said.

"Mornin," I muttered, trudging over to the fire. She handed me some food. Just bread this morning. We really needed another magical crabapple tree. We ate in almost absolute silence while I woke up properly.

We finished but did not get moving instantly, we just sort of sat. Kimi looked in thought, but I was sitting in fear. Because I could sense a powerful dark magic, deep in the forest. Reaching out, more powerful than any essence I had ever felt.

And the moontones essence, well...

It was gone. 

**yeah ok super short chapter but that's good because i can make you SUFFER**

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