All Shades of Magic - Chapter 4

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As soon as I stepped off the ladder the moonstones struck me in the face.

It blew me away.

Of course, I had been here before. But no matter how many times you went, it was fantastic. Like fireworks on holidays. It never gets old. Or at least, that's how it felt.

The glowing moonstones lined the walls as I had remembered. Small waterfalls and streams trickled down the sides of the walls. Silver flecks poked out everywhere. And the pedestal of stone was still there, in the middle of it all, stripped of its treasure. But it still held what we were looking for. On the top of the pedestal, the little silver necklace stood, facing west.

It was as I remembered, a completely silver, very flat circle hung around the chain. Placed in the center was a little circle holding on the tiny, intricate moonstone-carved arrow. I reached out to touch it but drew back in fear, the delicacy of the small trinket was almost disturbing and I was afraid to break it.

I heard Kimi gasp as she entered the cave properly and came to join me.

"It's beautiful," she gasped. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it is," I replied. "And so is this," I said, gesturing to the necklace. Kimi turned her stare towards it and grinned.

"Is that what we're looking for?"


"Are you gonna take it?"

"Yeah," I said. But I hesitated. The delicate necklace... It was just so beautiful. Surely I would break it. I shook my head clean. I don't think like that. Where did my confidence go? That was when I got it. The sense of magic field the air.

The tracking spell on it was very apparent, but under it was a powerful protection spell. My eyes widened in shock when I realized that I was touching it. I glanced at Kimi, her eyes were full of anticipation. In a swift motion I picked up the necklace and the protection spell broke. At least for me, Kimi still looked slightly nervous.

Kimi helped me hook the necklace to my neck and I felt the butterflies flutter.

"So, what now?" She asked, now facing me.

"I guess we... follow where the necklace points?" I said. "We also need some food though,"

"And we can't go out in villager clothes. But lucky for us, I have backup clothes for us to change into," Kimi smiled. "High quality clothes, which were very expensive by the way,"

"So, we sneak home, grab some food and bags, and then we just... go?"

"Yeah," Kimi said. It bothered me how unfazed she was. It was sort of unfair.

After a few more minutes in the cave, Kimi said we should go. Climbing up the ladder, I took one last look at the cave before shutting the trapdoor. 

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