Coronation Day

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The morning of the coronation dawned on me. I got dressed into my ceremonial dress, hand-picked by my mother and father when I was born. It was pale yellow, with a long skirt. Gold embroidery made a bodice and faded down into the dress. The sleeves were attached to the dress, but didn't cover my shoulders and ended just before my wrists. It was beautiful. I only wish they were there to see if they made the right choice.

I sure thought they did.

I did my hair up in a bun. I didn't place my crown on my head. There was no point. I put on some earrings and a diamond necklace. Soon it was time. Everything was set up from the stage to the very velvet the queen's crown was sitting on. All of it was me.

Even the ceremony was about me.

I walked down the stairs to the ballroom, where everything was set up. Our ballroom wasn't like Darius's. It was marble, with white cement pillars and a giant crystal chandelier. It was empty so anything could be set up inside. Today there were many, many seats and a circular stage set up.

Only the maids and bell boys were here. They were setting up the refreshments table, laying carpet, placing furniture, and doing other last things for the ceremony and the afterparty. They all paused when they saw me. I nodded to them all. One maid came up to me.

"Your stylists and planning assistant are through that door over there," he pointed. "Waiting for you, just to make sure everything is alright,"

"Thank you," I said, and hurried into the side room. Zinta was waiting there for me.

"Hi Val," she said. "Are you ok?"

"If feeling like you're going to throw up is the definition of ok," I grumbled. Zinta laughed and rubbed my back a little. "Can I have a hug?" She hugged me and I cuddled up to her. It felt so good to have someone to hug.

"You look fine, so I don't need to do any touch-ups. Unless you want makeup?" Zinta asked. "I know a thing of two, but you don't have to have makeup if you don't want to. I think you look beautiful without it anyway,"

I thought about it. "Give it a shot, i'll wash it off if i don't like it,"

So Zinta started to work. Slowly applying eyeshadow and eyeliner, lip gloss. She minimalized cover-up work like foundation and blush. She said "I want to add beauty, not subtract whatever minimal flaws you have," when she was done, she showed me how I looked in the mirror.

Thin, blck eyeliner with light green and yellow eyeliner. She had also given me light pink lip gloss. I looked amazing.

"Thank you," I smiled. Zinta smiled back.

"Of course my darling pupil," Zinta giggled and then added. "And friend,"

She sat with me as the final workers must've lingered in. Guests came shortly afterwards. I heard Judge Nohl, the ceremonial leader of the ages in the kingdom, file in and make a small speech about my dad's death and how qualified I was and yadda yadda yadda. Then he said a que word and the door opened. A bell boy had opened the door. Which meant it was time.

Time to get on the stage.

I exited the room and started walking up to the stage. Everyone gasped at my apparel. But I could tell they were gasps of awe and approval. I smiled. It would be ok. I walked up to the podium and curtsied to Judge Nohl.

No matter who the judge of the lands was, their authority and their word was the highest of them all. But Judge Nohl is one of the most respected of the century. He is always fair and sees eye to eye with everyone he meets. He bowed back to me.

He talked for a bit longer, about Fortis, and about royal families. Finally, it came time for the oath, the blessing, and the crown. A tradition long practiced in Fortis during coronations. Zinta had taken her place in the front row next to Kimi's family. I saw Kimi eyeing her curiously. Judge Nohl started to do the oath.

"Valerie Cybele Wessex, do you solemnly swear that you will be a fair ruler, and protect the kingdom of Fortis for as long as you reign. That you will lead this kingdom into a greater era, respect your townspeople, and make governed, responsible choices as queen?" He said. I took a deep breath and gulped. I had to take the oath. But part of me didn't want to. A miniscule voice in the back of my head saying; Is this what you really want valerie? What if you lived like Zinta? What if? Because you don't want this do you... you don't want all these stresses and responsibilities, you don't want to change. It said, and I made myself shut it up. I faced Judge Nohl and nodded.

"I swear," I said.

Nohl nodded and picked up the crown from off the podium. I knelt down and bowed my head. He slowly lifted and lowered it onto my head. The sparkly silver crown that everyone before me had worn rested on my bun and I raised from my position. Judge Nohl motioned for me to face the crowd, so I did.

"People of Fortis, I present to you, Queen Valerie!" people clapped and cheered. Zinta stood up and walked up to the stage. She held my hands.

"Queen Valerie of Fortis, I bless you with the knowledge of a true scholar, the courage of a lion, the beauty of a spring flower, and the peace of a summer morning. I bless you with power and strength, and I bless you with the ability to conquer your fears," Zinta leaned in closer and whispered to me. "I bless you with the power of a true mage, Val. because i want you to be stronger than me someday," i smiled at her, she smiled back. Then louder she said, "those are my blessings for you Queen Valerie, i wish you reign long,"

"I wish you reign long," The audience echoed. I curtsied, and Zinta curtsied back.

"Now, let the celebration begin!" Judge Nohl cheered. People quickly rose from their seats and began to dance or eat. A wave of anxiety rushed over me. I exited the stage with Zinta's help and rushed to the side room. She followed.

"You did fantastic, Val. you should be proud," Zinta soothed me. She put her arms around me. I sobbed. Zinta drew back. "Hey... hey darling what's wrong?" Zinta asked. I just shook my head and cried. She hugged me again. "Shh, shh, it's ok Valerie, it'll all be ok,"

"What if I can't do it?" I cried. Zinta pushed me away but kept my arms in hold.


"What if i can't be queen,"

"Valerie, you are the strongest, most amazing person I have ever met. You are so good at everything, you will make an amazing queen. Don't let the stress screw you up. Because it's ok. You're going to be ok. Better than ok, you're going to be a freaking QUEEN!" Zinta assured me. I laughed. "Never worry about foolish anxieties, I've got you. I'm your safety net. I can save you even if you start to fall. But you won't, because you're awesome,"

"Thank you Zinta,"

"Always," Zinta said. "Now, let me clean up your makeup and then we can go celebrate,"

So Zinta fixed me up in a free second and we went out to dance. It was fun. We danced, I drank some punch, ate some food, talked to some people. Kimi wasn't to be found in the crowd, but I was too busy schmoozing and dancing to notice. 

**Sorry sometimes i don't post very much for a while. I have this little pest called (one) of my best friends who won't leave me alone while i'm writing. Enjoy what you've got. **

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