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His hands reached on her waist pulling her closer to him as he pressed his lips with hers.. Ishani closed her eyes feeling his rough pairs on her soft ones as she clutched his arms tightly.. His hands were caressing her back giving her comfort.. After sometime their lungs were burning in the need of oxygen as they broke the moment and touched eachother's forehead.. A deep blush was forming both of their cheeks as they brushed their noses softly.. The moment was heating and with that their desire filled hearts.. Taking off their attires he made her lay on the bed and came over her.. She snuggled more into his hot embrace hiding herself in his bare chest.. He leaned on the bed taking her with him and dug his face in the crook of her neck.. Then taking a blanket over them they lost themselves in eachother and ended up making love..


"Now only one person is left to join our family.. Then our family will be completed!!".. Bhavna wished smilingly crossing her fingers as all looked at her with confusion..

"Who's he, Aai??".. Ved frowned..

"Our grandchild!!".. She stated with satisfaction as he smiled a little..

Ishani too smiled lowering her head as her cheeks were turning into dark red shade..

"Aai, Baba.. I'm coming after sometime".. Saying so, she ran towards her room shyly..

Ved too followed her.. Bhavna and Viren laughed on their antics..


Ishani sat on the bed thinking deeply about the statement.. Ved came near her and placed his palm on her shoulder as she gazed at him lifting her eyelashes..

"Ved!!.. I was thinking to go to the doctor for check up at once".. Ishani told him with a soft smile..

"Why??.. Did you feel something like that??".. He asked calmly..

"No but I think we need to consult a doctor atleast before the new start".. She added as he hummed in response..

"Okay!!.. I'll take the doctor's appointment at evening and will take you there after coming from office".. He patted her cheeks as she smiled broadly and gave a side hug to him..


VAni was sitting in the doctor's chamber when the gynecologist made an entry and sat opposite to them..

"Yes, Mr. Vedant!!.. Please tell".. The doctor asked as he nodded with a smile..

"Actually doctor we were planning for our baby and that's why we've came here for a check up!!".. Ved stated holding the same smile as Ishani gazed at the doctor..

"That's nice!!.. Come with me Mrs. Deshmukh!!".. She lifted her hand and then entered inside taking Ishani with her for checking..


Ishani came outside after checking up while holding a shy smile as everything was first for her and she was strongly wishing for their baby to come fast..

"You'll get all the reports tomorrow, Mr. Deshmukh!!".. The doctor stated as they nodded their head smilingly and left from there..


Ved's phone buzzed..

"Yes, Doctor!!.. Have the reports came??".. Taking the call he continued..

"Yes, Mr. Deshmukh!!.. Can you come to our clinic as soon as possible.. I've some important talks with you both".. She stated as he became worried thinking what's the issue!!..

"Okay, doctor!!.. We are coming!!".. Cutting the call Ved told everything to Ishani as she too became tensed..

Getting ready fast, they both left for the clinic..


Both sat on the respective chairs as their eyebrows were curved in confusion..

"Yes, doctor!!.. Why did you tell us to come as soon as possible??".. Ved asked grabbing doctor's attention..

"Mr. Vedant!!.. There's a problem.. Mrs. Deshmukh's uterus is too much weak to carry the baby".. The doctor stated as their face fell..

"W__What are you saying doctor??.. I__I won't be able to become a mother??".. Ishani's eyes became flooded with tears..

Ishani looked at her husband with questioning eyes which were filled with tears.. Ved placed his palm on hers controlling his own emotions..

"Doctor??.. Is there any solution for it??"

"Yes, there are but we don't know how much it'll work because the chances are always 50 50"

Ved hummed in response but looking at Ishani's face he thought to suppress the matter here itself.. They'll think of some processes later on. He got up with her and went towards the car.

On the other hand, Ved's condition was also not pleasant but only for Ishani he wasn't bursting in front of her.. They sat on the car and left for the Deshmukh Mansion with broken hearts..


"What happened Ved??.. What did the doctor tell??".. A curious Bhavna questioned as soon as they entered into Deshmukh's house..

Ishani who was not in a state to listen and speak anything just made her way to the upstairs leaving everyone in confusion.. Ved understood her state of mind as he came near Bhavna and thought not to tell everything at that very moment..

"Aai, I'll tell you everything later".. He stated as they nodded their head positively..

Wasting no time, he too followed Ishani towards their room..


As soon as Ved entered into the room, he came to see Ishani was sitting on the bed placing her head between the knees and was crying hastily.. Ved came near her and lifted her chin..

"Don't worry Ishu, everything will be fine!!".. He wiped her tears with his palms..

"N__Nothing is fine, Ved!!.. D__Didn't you hear, what the doctor said??.. Why everything has to happen with me only everytime!!".. Ishani uttered while stammering in her sobs which he had no answer..

What he would say, in which way he would pacify her, when he, himself was suffering with the same situation.. It's just that he was unable to show his emotions but inside his heart he too was breaking..

"Now, what I'll tell to Maa, Papa, Aai and Baba??.. Everyone is waiting for their grandchildren only!!".. She uttered while sobbing..

"We will surely find a way, Ishu like everytime and about our parents, they'll also help us to get a way out of this!!.. Now please don't cry!!".. Ved took her in his embrace as she hid herself in his chest while crying badly.. He rubbed her back in a soothing manner to console her..



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