8 - parasite

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"Who the fuck even let you up here?" I hear Vincent whisper-shout. Damn, can he be any louder?

"Come on baby, you know you missed me," I hear a female purr. Was that supposed to be sexy?

"Get the fuck out, Myla," he grit back. I could tell he was holding back from swinging at her.

Bitch, you're worried about that, who in the hell is Myla and why is she calling him baby?

It goes silent for a minute, and I open my eyes just a little bit, just to see the situation in front of me. I see Myla lean up and push herself onto him, clasping her hands behind his neck. She starts moaning into the kiss. I can tell this takes him by surprise, because Vincent lifts his hands from his sides and is in utter confusion. In a minute, his brain works and he pushes her off of him. He looks towards me and I immediately close my eyes, facing the other way. I can't let him know I saw that and didn't do anything.

Truth be told, I was in utter confusion. Who the fuck was Myla, and why did she kiss him. He didn't like it, obviously, but she was still here because I could hear her small giggles and seductive purrs.

"Ayden, take her out," Vincent demands into the hallway. Then the door slams shut. I wait a moment before turning my head to the side and not seeing him in the room anymore. Oh well. Maybe he just wanted to...walk her out?

Sighing, I get up from my spot on the bed and pad towards the bathroom. I fiddle with the water nobs on the shower until it's just the right temperature and strip from my clothes.

Ooh la la. Maybe you should call Vince-

Do not fucking finish that thought.

Shaking my head at myself, I step into the shower, washing my head with the unlimited shampoos he has.

Bougie bitch.

I step out of the shower and wrap a fluffy white towel around myself. I go to wrap my hand around the doorknob and open it, only to freeze when I hear something smash on the other side.

What was that?

I don't know. Do I open the door?

Aurora, do not open that door babe. Have you not seen enough movies?

I decide to ignore my own advice and go to open the door. I throw it open and then see Vincent, throwing shit around like he owns the place.

Well, he does, but that doesn't matter.

He throws a last item to the ground before sitting on the bed and putting his head in his hands with his elbows on his knees.

Maybe this isn't the best time to be naked with only a towel around you?

I turn back around and throw a t-shirt and sweatpants on myself, leaving my hair down and wet. I take a deep breath to steel myself and walk back into the bedroom. It's a mess to say the least. I see that Vincent hasn't moved in the slightest, he's still in that same position. I pad over to him and put my hand on his shoulder whilst sitting down next to him.

He flinches.

He looks up at me and I don't see anything on his face. Well, other then his eyes, nose, lips - you get the point - he just has his resting bitch face on. One that I haven't seen. Ever. Because it's never directed towards me, except today it is.

"You okay, Vince?" I ask softly, not wanting to trigger an explosion from him.

"Don't fucking call me that," he snaps.

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