3 - violated

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*Auroras POV*

As we walked into the school, I couldn't help but notice the stares thrown my way. Yes, of course. The schools nobody with one of the most popular kids. Vincent was known for his flings. That was before I came along, and surprisingly I wasn't another fling. I was known for, well, nothing. I was a nobody. Nobody knew of me until I started dating Vincent. Then everyone knew of me. Except I wasn't known for a good reason. Apparently, word on the street is I'm a brainwashing bitch, or "BB", how they like to call me.

Vincent must have noticed how uncomfortable I got under everyone's stares so he took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

As we walked through the halls, I heard murmured whispers. "Omg, she's SUCH a bitch! Boyfriend stealer!" One of the girls yells at me. I didn't think much of this, as it was normal everyday rumors that only one person bought up. However, this time many people kept yelling "boyfriend stealer!" as I walked past the crowd. I was taken aback. As far as I knew, Vincent didn't have a girlfriend when we got together. I freed my hands from his grip, and speed-walked away from Vincent and to my locker. I hated confrontation of any type. I hated being the topic of conversation. I hated any type of attention. If Vincent had a girlfriend, why did he ask me to be his girlfriend? A million questions flew through my mind at once as I fiddled with my locker, trying to open it and get out of here before he got here.

"Aurora! What the hell? Why'd you run off?" Vincent asks with a puzzled look. The bitch! He knows exactly why I ran off!

"Vincent please leave me alone right now," I said, as I tried to keep my gaze on the ground. Of course, the rumor spreading parasites decided to form a group around us at MY locker.

"Everyone get the fuck away from here. You have three minutes or I won't hesitate to snap your damn necks," he said sternly. I've always been amazed to how fast the crowd does anything when he commands it. I guess he's a powerful CEO.

"Aurora you know that I would never ask you to be my girlfriend if I was dating anyone. Not because I cared about the other girl, because I cared about you and I don't want you to be humiliated. It's just another rumor," he sighed rubbing his forehead. Maybe he's telling the truth. Does he really care about me that much?

"Okay," I quietly nodded. "I believe you."

He took my hand in his, and we walked together to first period. He didn't have the same schedule as me, but he decided to change it when we started dating. Don't even ask me how he did that. Apparently he gets everything he wants.

"Mr.Donovan, Ms.Knight. Late again. I'm afraid next time I will have to write you up," the teacher, Mrs.Lucas announces. Of course she has to announce it to everyone. Instead of saying anything, I can see Vincent just staring at her with a cold glare on his face. The teacher immediately gulps and takes the little note she was about to pass to us back. Weird.

"Open your books to page 346 and begin reading at the top of the page. Make sure to highlight important information and take notes. This will count as 5% of your grade," The teacher rambled on. I couldn't concentrate though, some shitheads hand was poking my thigh.

"Stop please," I murmured as the teacher continued speaking. All I could see was that he had a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hmm, how about no, beautiful. Such a shame you're dating Vincent. You could do so much better than his ass," the guy snickered. I visibly tensed up at his words. Fucking psycho.

"Please stop. Please Liam. I don't have any interest in you," I barely whispered as his hand travelled further up my thigh. All I could do was shut my eyes and pray someone saw him.

"If you don't stop right now I will gorge your eyeballs out with a rusty spoon and feed them to you. Do I make myself clear?" A girls voice hissed between mine and Liam's ears. His hands shot away immediately.

That girl was none other than Iris Donovan; Vincent's sister. She is another one of my best friends, we grew closer over the time that me and Vincent dated. She sits right behind me in this class, and I couldn't be more grateful. Silent tears fell from my eyes as I wiped them away, which was no use because more just fell in place of the ones I wiped.

"Hey hey hey. Don't cry. Look at me. That dumb fuck is gonna get what's coming for him, okay? Don't worry," Iris cooed as she came and kneeled down next to me. She slowly pulled me into a hug, rubbing my hair and whispering soft nothings into my ear.

She got up after a couple minutes and went back to her seat, but not before shooting a glare at Liam. I quickly finished my work and consumed my thoughts with my nails. They're very interesting.

As the bell rang, I gathered my stuff and was about to walk up to Vincent when I saw him speeding out the door. Very weird. I ran out the door to catch up to him. I tugged on his backpack and he sighed before turning to look at me, a scowl playing on his face. His hands were balled up into fists at his sides, his knuckles white.

"Where are you going?" I asked, stepping to the side.

"I just have some work to take care of," he said, not letting the scowl play off his face as he followed me to the side.

"So you're just leaving school?"

"Yes. Problem?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. What happened to him?

"No. I just...Do you know what Liam did in class?" I asked him fiddling with my sleeves. He clenched his jaw before unclenching it.

"Yes. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm getting late, Aurora."

He pushed me away from him, I can't say hard but it also wasn't softly, and walked down the hall before disappearing. Aurora? What happened to my love? Or Rory? Or Ari? Why did he just go from nicknames filled with love to just my name. And he disregarded the fact that I was completely violated in History class? He was just fine with me an hour ago.

Oh God, what did I screw up now?

a/n: hey! how's it so far? i became very aware of how short my chapters were, so i'm starting to make them longer. please vote and comment your thoughts on the chapters! i love reading what you think about the story so far. who do you like so far? vinnie or ari?

please never let yourself feel violated. reach out to anyone if you feel this way. if this is a family member bothering you, please let anyone know. there are many hotlines you can call. alas, if you feel you can tell or trust no one, i am here for you for whatever reason if you have trust in me. if not please take care of yourselves. s/a is not okay in any way. this was just added to the chapter as a part of the storyline, and to show Auroras trauma. 💓

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