4 - my aurora

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Auroras POV

*TW: mention of guns, blood, needles, knives

"Iris he fucking hates me! I was violated in class and all he did was walk the fuck away! He hates me!" I sobbed into my pillow. It's been a full day since the incident. No call, no text, no nothing. He didn't even pick me up for school today. Did I see him in school? No. I skipped. Then I had Iris skip with me and drive me home.

"Aurora he doesn't hate you, my love. I promise. He's just busy with work. I promise you I will go home and talk with him. How dare he make my baby cry," she says as she brushes my hair away. This makes me sniffle a little.

"I want ice cream, Iris," I speak as I look into her eyes. She sighs before getting off my bed and offering me a hand. I happily take it and wipe my tears. I guess my period is making me a little moody.

Just as we're about to walk out my door, I hear a knock.

"Come in!" Iris chirps. And then the fucker walks in.

"What," she barks at him. I look down at his hands and see some fresh blood.

What the hell.

"Iris leave, please," Vincent says, his voice monotone. I grab Iris' arm and see her fists clenched.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Now," she grits out, emphasizing each word. That's one way to do it.

"Well then, I guess we'll do it the hard way," he sighs, coming to me and picking me up. I let out a gasp before complying, considering the latter would be falling ass first on the ground.

You know I love you, right? But honey don't you think you're overreacting? I mean like you're being very sensitive...maybe he was having a bad day.

I think your right, Si-Si.

Si-Si is the little voice in my head. My conscience. She's my 24/7 best friend. Available all the time, and I wouldn't change a thing.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts and conversation with Si-Si when I feel my feet hit the floor.

"Aurora, I'm sorry I didn't do anything in class when that asshole touched you. I really am," Vincent starts. His hands still rest on my waist and I look down as my eyes go glossy again.

Way to go Ari. Go ahead and cry in front of him. Make him baby you again like the little idiot you are.

"Ari, at least look at me."

I don't.

Vincent Donovan

That little fucker. I'm going to carve his dick out and shove it down his throat. I'm going to cut him up into tiny pieces and feed him to the pigs. How dare he touch Aurora. My Aurora.

I left school immediately after it happened. I had to prepare some stuff and get some of my men to make sure the fucker makes his way to my warehouse. I left so abruptly, when Aurora told me he did it I couldn't even talk. Because I knew if I did I'd tell her everything and if I did that, well who knows what she would've done. I cut her off and just left. I left through the doors, but before exiting I looked back to see her staring at the ground. Tears in her eyes. Fuck. I messed up. I started to go back, but a ding on my phone stopped me from doing so.

haydens annoying ass: where
the fuck are you, asshole

you: watch your mouth
hayden. i'm on my way.

With that I sigh and shove my phone back in my pocket. Now the bitch stands in front of me.

Not Aurora or Hayden, Liam.

A sly smirk makes its way to cover my features.

"And what the fuck were you doing in class yesterday? With your hand up my girlfriends leg?" I question rudely. Fucker doesn't deserve an ounce of respect.

"I-I dropped m-my pencil. I was p-picking that u-up," he stutters.

Pussy. Did his ass really just make an excuse like I wasn't looking at him?

"Oh yeah? Was it up her ass and around the corner? Or was it implanted in her leg? Perhaps another location?"


"Save it. Tyler, hand me my knives," I call out grinning. Yes I have a pennywise grin on. God, this is like free therapy.

I start throwing knives at him. One caught on his shoulder. Another on his thigh. Another right where the sun doesn't shine. He let out a blood curdling scream.

Ouch that's gotta hurt. Oh well.

I start to get out my lighter, and I make my way towards him. Firstly, I light his hair on fire. The smell of singed hair fills my senses as I work my way towards his clothes. As his shirt catches fire, he tries to drop down to the ground.

Stop drop and roll my ass, bitch.

"Stop fucking moving," I grit. He stops immediately.

"Would you like to apologize?" I question, taking the lighter back away from his skin. His eyes widen the slightest. "Another language, perhaps? Vorresti scusarti?" I repeat in Italian. I've taken many language classes. Spanish is the only one I've never gotten to. If I wanted to learn Spanish, it'd have to be Aurora teaching me.

"Please let me go," he whispers squinting his eyes.

"Open your fucking eyes."

He opens them the slightest and flinches when I throw a needle at his eye. Liam immediately screams and his hands go to his eyes trying to pull the needle back out. Crimson red blood spills out to the floor as I continue to torcher him. When I feel like he's had enough, I pull out my gun and shoot him in the thigh. I'm nice, but not that nice. I'm leaving him here to suffer.

"Stay here," I bark at him. "Don't try and be smart I have men surrounding this thing like their lives depend on it. Which they do," I shrug and throw my gun onto the table. I nod to my guards to signal them to lock Liam up. I sigh as I leave the warehouse. Time to make it up to Aurora.

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