6 - "come and get her"

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*Vincents POV*

"Fuck you!" She sobbed, walking out of the store.

Why is she so mad?

Because the sales associate told her that the dress was not purple. It was pink. And her moody ass threw a temper tantrum.

"Aurora. It's just a color of a dress, babe. Now hurry your little ass up so we can go home, I am so tired," Iris whines. They're both so bipolar. They begged me to come here and now they're begging each other to leave.

"You're such a traitor Iris!" My girlfriend yells back. I sigh. Here we go again.

"Oh yeah, not my fault you can't accept the fact that the fucking dress was in fact pink and not purple!"

"Okay Iris. Shouldn't you be tucked away into an eye socket or something?"

"Shouldn't you be waiting for your true loves kiss, sleeping somewhere high up in a castle?" Iris scoffs back. I narrow my eyes at her.

I am her true love.

"Haha, loser. I already found my true love," Aurora fires back, stomping up to me and kissing me on my lips. Once she pulls away, she looks towards Iris and sticks her tongue out at her. Just as she does that, gunshots fire out.

Shit shit shit. If I pull my gun out and fire she'll find out. If I don't, she'll be dead.

I grab Aurora in my grasp and pull her into my chest. I secretly pull out my gun from my jacket and make sure that she doesn't see it. I start moving towards the nearest exit, mentally thanking myself for putting a silencer on the damn thing.

The gun, not Aurora.

"Let go of the girl, Donovan," a familiar voice said. Too fucking calmly.

Shit. He wouldn't be this calm if there was another safe way out. Fuck.

"What girl," Iris batted her eyelashes innocently. This bitch. Was she really trying to seduce this motherfucker right now.

Ah yes. The Italian mafia. I knew she was kinky.

I just pressed Aurora into my chest and hoped to God that she became Helen Keller in the past five minutes. She cannot see or hear any of this.

"Donovan I'm telling you now. Hand her the fuck over or I take her myself," he grits, inching towards me. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Rori," I whispered into her ear. I didn't get a response. "Ari," I tried again. No response.

Helen Keller? Shut the fuck up.

I risk a glance down at her and see she passed out. Well then. This should be easier.

She'll forgive me one day.

"Come and get her, Moretti. She's a burden anyways," I deadpanned. Iris glared at me.

Oh fuck.

I'm so dead when we get home.

"Is she now?" He asked amused, an eyebrow raised up.

"Yeah, she is. She won't ever shut the fuck up. Honestly, it's better she's passed out right now. Makes the exchange easier," I snort. Just then, I feel a sharp pain shoot out in my lower leg. I look down and see a knife. Iris.

Moretti inches closer to me, and just as he's close enough, I take my uninjured leg and swing it under him. I pull the knife out my leg and throw it in the air, catching it then stabbing it into his stomach. He'll bleed out soon enough.

"You didn't really think I'd let her go like that, right?" I snickered. He was dumb, but I didn't think that he would be that idiotic. I mean, he's a mafia leader for fucks sake. He really thought it'd be that easy?

"This is for my sister, ya fat fuck. Mafia leaders don't usually look like humpty dumpty, bitch," Iris snarls as she removes the safety from her gun and shoots him three times. I watch as Daniel Moretti's eyes flutter shut, his mouth in an "O" shape.

"O" well, bitch.

"Iris I'm going to fucking kill you. My leg is burning," I hiss at her.

"Sorry," she smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. "I had to protect my other half."

My eyes widen at the mention of Aurora, and we both glance back to her slumped against a wall near the exit, where I left her to finish of Moretti.


"You're such an idiot, Vince," she groans walking over to Aurora. She checks her pulse to make sure she's alive, then I pick her up bridal style and take her to the car.

I'll give it to, Vince. You were right for once. Shipping was a disaster.

Shut the fuck up man.

"I'll drive. You..." she thinks for a moment. "Make sure she's alive on the way back."

I sigh pulling my keys out and throwing them into her hands. I didn't trust her one bit.

"Crash it and I'll crash you," I narrow my eyes at her. All she does is snicker. I'm not joking. I will crash her. My cars are worth so much to me, it's like a drug addiction but 10x worse.

"Alright, big boy. Calm down," she mumbles. She's tired. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty sure we all are. I lean my head onto Auroras shoulder and let my guard down. Only for the car ride. Then I'm back to full guard.

a/n: hey there bitches. gorgeous bitches. this was kinda a filler chapter, but i got bored and created a shooting in the mall because i can. i literally don't know what i think about this book so far, but i'm only getting stuff started and the balls rolling for now.

did u think vincent would actually give up aurora to moretti? hahahahahhahaa i'm evil like that.


okay bye 😜

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