1 - morning

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*Auroras POV*

I woke up to being slightly shaken. I opened my eyes to see Ivy, one of my maids, in front of me. Ivy is one of my best friends. I'm not too fond of my male guards, however my maids are some of the best people I've ever met. They stick with me through the thick and thin.

"Apologies, madam, but Mr.Donovan called and said he's on his way. It's currently 7:25, he said he should be here by 8:00 sharp," she said with a smile. I nodded my head and she took that as her cue to leave.

Vincent Donovan is my boyfriend. We've been together since freshman year and I wouldn't change a thing. He's the most charming person I've ever met, though look at him the wrong way and he'll fuck you up.

I threw my legs off my bed and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, and stepped out, wrapping a towel around myself. I decided to go with a pink top with some white jeans. I quickly blow dried my hair and left it to flow down my shoulders. Adding the necklace Vincent got me, I threw on some shoes and head out my bedroom door. Downstairs, I grabbed my bag and necessities for school, shoving everything into my bag carelessly. By now it was 7:55. I looked around the kitchen for a quick breakfast option, but my plans were ruined when I heard a honk! outside.

"Bye Ivy! Tell father I left with Vincent!" I shouted out the door.

"Morning, my love," Vincent said as he placed a kiss on my lips. I loved these traits of his. It's the small things for me. I couldn't help but hold a stupid grin on my face.


"Be quick, Starbucks or Dunkin?"

"Huh? For what?" I questioned cluelessly.

"You didn't have breakfast. For you," he smiled. Just these small gestures of his made my heart melt.

"I don't mind," I said while fiddling with my hands. I was always embarrassed of things like these. I felt like whoever was on the other end was judging me, courtesy of my mother. He chuckled, and before I knew it we pulled into a Starbucks drive-through. Vincent ordered my usual, and we drove off to get to school on time.

"Thank you, Vinnie," I said, dragging on the end of his nickname. I knew this one pissed him off. He groaned as we pulled into the school parking lot, which caused me to grin. We stepped out the car, and walked the few yards up to the doorway to hell.

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