chapter 50

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A/n pov:

There was pin-drop silence in the hall.
And everyone's attention was now on the girl who had a furious expression on her face. She was so so mad. The person who ruined her life and her sister's life was standing in front of her eyes making her blood boil. She's not going to leave him to have a peaceful life.

Tae stared at the evil woman with wide eyes. The person who made him break up with his lover and accused him to be a slut and lure men for pleasure and said other disgusting things about him was standing in front of him. And not only that but all his family members, his hyungs, noonas and most importantly his husband was there.

Miso: Hey tae honey didn't expect me huh?

Miso asked with a disgusting smirk on her face, she took steps down the stairs walking close to tae.

Yoongi: You bitch! Stay right there

Yoongi warned with a death glare
But that caused miso to laugh like a maniac clutching her stomach

Miso: The only bitch here is this slut who's standing here with no shame!! Hey, slut didn't I tell you to stay away from Jungkook!? Are you that desperate?

Tae was still in a state of shock, his mind was filled with so many things right now. And the first thing was his mom. What will be her reaction? Will his mother believe all the things the woman says? What about his husband? His hyungs? His aunts, uncles, his noonas? Will they be disgusted? Will they believe if he says he's not at fault?
But tae was snapped out of his frozen state when he heard his husband's cold voice which ran chills down his spine.

Jungkook: One more word, one more word from that filthy mouth of yours, I won't think twice to kill you. And I'm not joking here miso. It's a fucking warning for you.

Jungkook's voice was very calm, but God knows how much he was holding his rage within him. He was so ready to snap her neck and kill her in front of everyone but then he didn't want to go to jail leaving his babies mama once again. He promised himself that so he tried to keep his calm.

Jungkook: Namjoon hyung! She was the one. She and her sister were the ones who broke us apart.

Jungkook said as he pointed at Miso,
Who gulped looking around only to find everyone shooting death glares at her. She was blinded by anger that she let her words slip without a second thought. Namjoon was ready to Jump in front and grab her neck but a voice stopped him from doing so.

Doyoung: Hyung don't!!

Doyoung's voice stopped him in his track, and behind him walked Johnny with his team.

Johnny: Ms Miso you are under Arrest.
Ms Chung cuff her.

Johnny commanded the woman officer who immediately obeyed.

Miso: Noo!!! Noooooo!!! Leave me!!!!
Taehyung tell them to leave me!!!! I'll expose you bitch!! Don't think I'll let you live peacefully!!

Miso kept screaming and struggling with the officer's hold.

Yuna: Wait!

Yuna stopped them when they were about to drag her out. Yuna walked towards her standing in front of her with a glare.

Yuna: I don't know what you did to my son, but here this is for calling him names.

Yuna spoke and then miso was silenced with a hard slap on her face and surprisingly Johnny didn't stop her. Then Another slap landed on the same cheek.

Yuna: He is my son you bitch!! You hear me!!? He's my son!!

Another hard slap landed on her other cheek. Yuna was burning with rage and her face was red due to anger. No one she means no one has the fucking rights to call her son like that and disrespect her little prince.

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