chapter 48

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A/n pov:

Yoongi, Hobi and chim were waiting in the car for Lisa and Jennie so that they can drive home together. As they were sitting and chatting Lisa and Jennie walked their way. Jennie was crying and Lisa was trying to comfort her.

Lisa: Baby it's okay!!

Lisa said softly rubbing Jennie's waist trying to comfort her. Jimin and hobi who saw this grew worried but our yoonkitty was unbothered like always. Once when Lisa and Jennie settled in the car Jimin and hobi began to shoot questions.

Jimin: what happened noona!? Why are you crying?

Hobi: Lisa what happened to her? Did someone hurt her?

And when Jennie heard the question she only cried even more.

Jennie: Yoongi Oppa!!! *sniffle* How can you*sniffle* how can you hide this from me!!? Am I not your cute *sniffle* sister? She should have *sniffle* spilt the tea at least to me

Jennie asked in between sniffles. And when yoongi heard her he just rolled his eyes. Lisa gave her another tissue to wipe her face with a worried look.

Jimin: Hyung!! What did you do this time?

Jimin asked with a frown looking at yoongi.

Yoongi: Jen can you be a little less dramatic? Baby, she's just being dramatic nothing to worry about.

Yoongi said rolling his eyes, done with Jennie's dramatic ass.

Hobi: yoon don't be rude. Jen first tell what happened.

Jennie: Tae and kook *sniffle* they had their first kiss *sniffle* which I waited for all my *sniffle* life. But *sniffle* that wasn't their first kiss after all.

With that, she broke down once again and Lisa immediately hugged her and tried to calm her wife. Hobi and jimin looked at her in disbelief.

Yoongi: Didn't I say? She's just being a drama queen.

Yoongi scoffed getting a hit from Jimin.

Jimin: But noona is right!! How can you hide this from us!! Even this morning noona said they were fighting almost pulling each other's hair, now suddenly they kiss like there's no tomorrow. not that I mind but I'M CoNfUSeD!!! BiSh LiKe WhAt ThE hElL iS hApPeNing?

Jimin said dramatically agreeing with Jennie. Here we go again. Another dramatic ass.

Jennie: exactly!!! *sniffle* If they love each other so much then why were they fighting all the time? *sniffle* And Jungkook didn't participate in anything related to the wedding saying he was busy *sniffle* but don't we know he wasn't that busy as he said.

Jennie spoke with a confused frown. Like she works with jungkook so she will know if he is busy or not. But jungkook seemed fine with work. There wasn't any important meeting or anything but he avoided all the wedding formalities purposefully.

Jennie won't mind if it didn't bother anyone but tae was affected by this so much. He was very sad when jungkook didn't come. His smile didn't reach his eyes and there was no excitement and sparks in his eyes. There was only sadness, longing and many more unsaid emotions.

And what was more heartbreaking was that he still put on a smile for the sake of his family, a fake one to be exact. He tried his best to not break down into tears. It was obvious to see that. His eyes held a lot of pain in them.

Yoongi: I know you'll must be confused and I too didn't know what happened completely. All I knew was they were together, but some misunderstanding happened that broke them apart. I too didn't know what was the reason. Both were not ready to say why they broke up.

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