Leaders and Bombshells

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Y/n's pov

I woke up at 7 and got up, looking around the room to make sure there wasn't anything strange around. I got up afterward, grabbing a suit from the closet and taking a quick shower. After I got dressed I headed for a morning walk. The sun was just coming up making for an amazing view. On one side of the island, you could still see the stars and the moon while the other was lighting up and turning from shades of purple to a light blue. After a while of walking, I found myself at Jabberwock park, where the statue had been replaced by a giant sphere that had a countdown on it. I stared up at it for a while before shrugging "That looks like a bomb, but I'm sure it's fine. I'm not sensing anything ominous from it." I left shortly after seeing it since there wasn't anything I could do with it anyways. I continued walking around the island until I eventually found myself back at the hotel. 

I decided to head into the lobby to see if anyone else was awake there. Unfortunately, it was empty so I just headed up to the restaurant. In the restaurant, there was a very odd sight of Monokuma wearing a chef hat, standing in front of a large slab of meat while holding a butcher knife. I stared blankly for a moment before speaking up "What the hell are you doing?" Monokuma looked at me "Isn't it obvious? I'm preparing food for all the soon-to-be very hungry teenagers staying on this island. I frowned and walked over "No, I'm not gonna allow that" Monokuma huffed "Why not? Do you not love my cooking? I thought there was something special between us." "the only thing I want between us is a wall or a restraining order. I'm not letting you cook because you'd probably put some sort of disease in the food to manipulate people into murdering others." monokuma gasped and held his hand paw sphere things over his chest as if he was hurt "Me? Poison food? Why would you ever assume I'd do something sooo cruel?" I took the knife from him and spoke up "how else would you prepare some sort of motive like that? Making millions of microscopic, genetically modified bugs would be way too far-fetched and ridiculous to even be possible. Even if this was a logic-defying reality." 

Monokuma was silent for a while before speaking up "Fine, then you cook. and make sure you cook enough for 18." "There are only 17 students on this island." Monokuma crossed his arms "Obviously you're going to be cooking for me as well" "Alright, I'll make sure to poison you then." Monokuma's face turned red in anger "That's against the rules! Violence against the headmaster is strictly prohibited!" I washed my hands before starting to prepare some food "Poisoning is not violence, there is no attacking or physical altercation at all. If you count pain as violence there are always lethal doses of pain killers and poisons that simply shut off functions without causing pain. Think of it as putting down an old animal" monokuma grumbled and crossed his arms "What are you, ultimate loophole finder?" I focused on cooking as I replied "Maybe it's part of the artificial talent bundle, probably under ultimate lawyer." Monokuma sighed "Well, I'll just have to change the rules after the morning announcement, Damaging or harming faculty members will be strictly prohibited." 

I began working on different dishes "So you're saying that I have until the morning announcement to poison you before it is against the rules?" Monokuma was silent for a moment before speaking "You and your damn brain" I put a small amount of food into a small bowl and held it out to monokuma "Here, sample the taste for me." Monokuma took it and ate it quickly before freezing up "Wait a minute, how do I know you're not already poisoning me!" I washed my hands and started working on other dishes "should have thought about that before eating it without a second thought. I didn't poison you sadly, but for a robot, your processing speed is extremely slow." Monokuma remained silent after that, and I had silence as I finished cooking many dishes. I set out all the food on the buffet table and cleaned up the kitchen. After I finished that, I sat at one of the tables with a small plate of food and began eating.

After a short time, the morning announcement played and a few people started entering the restaurant. Apparently, Twogami was wanting everyone to gather for a morning meeting to discuss something important. Which is why everyone was gathering right now. When Hajime arrived he looked around at everyone and a conversation seemed to start. Twogami looked at him and spoke first "Where's Kazuichi, wasn't he with you" Hajime frowned and spoke up "he ran off" Twogami glared "Where did he go?" Hajime sighed "I don't know, he just said he was running away" Twogami scoffed and crossed his arms "what a fool." Mahiru sighed and stood up "I'll go get him, even if I have to tie him up and drag him back" Teruteru spoke "oh, getting tied up by Miss Mahiru, maybe I should run away too" Mahiru left without responding to that and Akane spoke next "so, when can I start eating? I'm starving" Twogami sighed and looked at the food "I suppose we can begin eating while we wait for Mahiru to get back with Kazuichi." Hajime spoke next "is it even safe to eat this? Who would have prepared this food?" Akane started eating as she replied, "Wouldn't it be Teruteru tha' cooked it?" Teruteru crossed his arms as he grabbed some food "I did not cook this food, I cook this worlds tastiest food there is no way this-" He froze as he took a bite and started crying "T-this is... this taste.. I' remin's me a momma's cookin' a' home" Hiyoko looked at him "Ew, the disgusting pervert is crying and speaking weird" 

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