Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student

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Y/n's pov

I had gotten up early morning to see if I could talk to Mukuro. I learned from Nekomaru that Mukuro gets up early to do daily exercises in the morning. I put the knife wrapped in cloth in one of the pockets inside my suit and headed out of the room quietly, making sure not to wake the 3 girls that were sleeping. After getting out of the room, I headed outside and looked around. I saw Mukuro jogging and decided if I was going to talk with her, then I needed to follow her. I jogged after her, catching up to her rather easily and jogging next to her. She looked at me for a second before looking in front of her again. "Early morning exercise Mukuro?" "yeah..." She started jogging faster, but I matched her pace "Is this something you like to do personally, or just something you do as a soldier" She was silent for a bit before answering "Personal..." I nodded and smiled "I hope you don't mind company for a bit, there was a few things I wanted to talk with you about. Kind of an add on to our last conversation since you had to leave early" I could see her frowning but she nodded "okay... if you can keep up.... we can keep talking" She started into a run, clearly trying to lose me. However, I was easily able to match her speed, most likely due to all the muscle modifications that were done on me. She started slowing down after a while of running, looking more tired as the run continued, but I didn't feel tired yet. Eventually she went back to a slow jog for a bit until she finally stopped at a bench and sat down. I got drinks for us, the same green tea as yesterday since someone managed to get all the grape panta already despite the vending machines refilling every night. 

I walked over and sat next to Mukuro, handing her the drink. She opened it and took a drink sweat rolling off her face. I opened my own drink and spoke "So, have you thought about what I said to you about not always following the demands of your sister?" She nodded, looking down "yeah..... I'm thinking that you are right about it." I stared at her "what made you start thinking that?" She sighed softly "I....I hurt someone that I didn't mean to. And I didn't like the feeling I felt because of it. I want to apologize to them....but I don't think I can" I stared at her "why can't you?" "the situation is just.... difficult. . ." I nodded and smiled at her "Why not pretend that I'm the one you want to apologize too? it might help you feel better" She looked at me and nodded "yeah... I guess I can try it" I nodded and watched her. She let out a deep sigh and looked me in the eyes "I'm sorry that I hurt you.... I didn't want to but.. I..." Mukuro stopped as tears were going down her face "i'm sorry....i can't do it" I hugged her and sighed "it's fine, you don't have to finish."

 She nodded and eventually stopped crying, wiping her face clean and looking down. "sorry to break down like that in front of you... you probably thought it made me more hideous..." I flicked the side of her head "No. bad Muko. You are not hideous" She put a hand on the spot I flicked her and looked at me "Muko?" I nodded "yup, its a nickname I came up with for you. Do you not like it" She looked away, her cheek red "no I... I like it" I nodded and smiled at her "It's okay Mukuro, I know the person you hurt forgives you" she looked down "thank you..." I reached into my suit and pulled out the knife wrapped in cloth "here, I wanted to return this to you" she looked at it and grabbed it "what is it?" I chuckled "something I took from you on accident" she unwrapped it slowly and stared at the knife silently "h-how" "the wolf mark on the end. Fenrir is it?" "why would you give this back to me.... after what I did to you" "I wasn't going to give it to you if you didn't show me any sign that you can be helped" She stared at me "helped?" I nodded "yeah, I want to help you get away from your abusive sister." She nodded slowly "why would you want to help me..." "because you are a cute person that has the potential to have a good life" Mukuro looked away "you called me that again...." "called you what again? Cute?" she nodded slowly "I'm not...cute" "yes you are. You need to forget everything Junko told you." She looked at me shocked "how did you" "She is the only one you've talked to other than me. She is the only one that wears leather boots so she would have been the only one that could have caused your bruised the other day. And since your sister had put a bag over your head the other day, that meant she was someone who was able to be on Hopes Peak campus" Mukuro stared at me before looking down "oh... please don't do anything to Junko. . . she is my sister and you wouldn't be able to stop her anyways" I stared at her "Muko, I wont do anything to her for now. As long as you stop helping her and get away from her" Mukuro nodded slowly "okay...." 

After talking with her for a little more, Muko had to go back to her exercising. She put her empty can into a recycling bin and jogged off. I got up and started walking to class, I felt a pain from the back of my head. A massive headache spread through my head as a taunting laugh rang out in my mind. This only meant one thing, somehow....I failed to help someone near me. How could this have happened? I didn't get any visions recently. I made my way to class slowly, the walk was difficult since my head hurt. When I got to the class I sat down and looked around for anything that would tell me what had happened. A soon as the bell rang, I realized something. Mikan wasn't here. I frowned and looked at the front as Ms. Yukizoma walked in " Huh, where is Mikan? It's not like her to be late to class... Alright class, lets go look for your classmate!" She was going to open the door, however Jin opened the door first. "ah. good, you're here. I need to speak to your class for a moment." Ms. Yukizoma frowned "but, there is a student missing today" Jin frowned "That's... unfortunate. but this cannot wait." He walked into the classroom and looked at the class "There have been some issues lately that involve main course students. There have been many reserve course students starting to riot around the campus lately. They are attacking main course students as well as causing trouble for the security. I recommend that you all avoid leaving campus for a while, and don't travel off campus alone" I frowned and looked out the window. Sure enough, there was a gathering of students at the gate being held back by the security. 

After Jin the class started talking among each other, only a few people not speaking. I got up from my desk and walked out of the class, following after Jin "hey. I need you to do something for me Jin" He looked over at me "what is it?" I looked at him "Monaca has to leave and come back to the campus every day for school. Can you excuse her from school until this is all over. I don't want her to get hurt any time soon." He nodded slowly "yeah, I can do that. Are you going to be able to take care of her despite having classes?" I nodded "of course. Taking her with me to class or just skipping classes will be enough for me." He sighed "I will go make the call now. but you will have to go pick her up." I nodded and sighed "That's fine. I can handle a few rioters" He nodded and left. I headed the other way, going outside and out to the gate. The students seemed to step aside as I passed by, confusing me a bit but I didn't mind since it meant i could get to Monaca faster. I walked to Hopes peak elementary and headed to the classroom I opened the door and saw the warriors of hope all sitting around a desk drawing. There was a teacher that I didn't see here last time. The teacher looked at me "um, hello? who are you?" The warriors of hope looked over at me and all but Monaca ran over to me "Mr. Kamukura!" I chuckled and looked at them "It seems you guys are having a better experience here" Monaca walked over and hugged me "Why are you here today big brother?" "I'm here to pick you up, there are some things going on and you are going to be off from school for a bit" She looked up at me and nodded, smiling "Okay, it's fine as long as I get to spend more time with big brother" I chuckled and picked her up. carrying her back to the academy with me. The rioters didn't bother me, but they did give Monaca strange looks. 



Short chapter this time around. I really ran out of ideas this time, but next chapter might be much longer. Despair arc is almost over so I have to decide whether to make a new book for a sequel or just to keep adding chapters to this one. 

well, until next chapter. 

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