Beef or Chicken?

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(A/n: Pork)

Y/n's Pov

After a moment of waiting, Hajime and Nagito came out of the lobby. Hajime looked extremely exasperated already. I walked over and spoke up "So, What did you think of Teruteru? quiet the character isn't he" Hajime groaned a bit in response "He's something...." I pat him on the back lightly "You'll learn how to deal with his kind eventually." Hajime stared at me a bit "Have you dealt with people like him before." I stared at him in return "I've dealt with all sorts of people, both good and irredeemable. Teruteru may be bad, but he isn't the worst. Just don't trust anything he gives you unless he tells you exactly what it is." Hajime was silent for a moment before speaking "I'll... keep that in mind." I nodded "alright, so where to next?" Nagito spoke up "I guess the 'Usami Coral' is the next place we can go to" 

We silently made our way to the small area that was called Usami Corral. As we arrived, a few things were noticeable. First was Akane and Hiyoko in the area. The second was the lack of variety in the animals. Last, was Usami standing at the fence staring in at the chickens. Hajime spoke up "is this... a farm?" Nagito responded, "at least you won't have to worry about food Hajime." Usami approached us "Welcome to the Usami Corral! Hang out with the animals, enjoy nature, and touch the grass. Though I guess there isn't much variety in the animals... hmm, I know!" Usami pulled her magic stick out and pointed it at one of the chickens. She did some cheesy twirling and chanting before the chicken went into a puff of smoke and a cow took its place. Hajime was freaking out while Nagito was trying to rationalize it. I knew this was a simulation, but it brought to question many things. A chicken asset was changed into a cow asset, would it still taste like chicken, or is it now 100% beef. I thought about it while Hajime and Nagito talked until Usami walked up and poked me. I looked down at her "yes?" she tapped her hands together "How did you like my magic trick Kamukura-sama?" I stared at her "I question whether it is beef or poultry, however the trick itself is an 8 out of 10. Also, why are you referring to me as if I'm your superior?" Usami giggled and spun around. "Kamukura-sama praised my magic!" "hey, answer my question." Usami looked at me and giggled more "Kamukura-sama is Kamukura-sama." "that's a nonanswer." Usami just continued giggling before disappearing 

I let out a sigh as Hajime and Nagito finished their conversation, then we headed over to one of the people that were there, Akane. Hajime introduced himself to her, then Nagito had to reintroduce himself. They had a short conversation before Akane looked at me and spoke "You seem strong. fight me!" I stared at her blankly "No, violence is against the rules" Akane scoffed and cracked her knuckles "Who cares about the rules, it's just a friendly little spar!" She swung her fist at me without another word. I knew that if I dodged or blocked it she would take that as permission, so I just watched as her fist connected with the side of my face. Surprisingly it didn't hurt much, so I guess pain perception is decreased here. I looked at her blankly as Hajime seemed to be freaking out "I will not fight or spar you Akane. I fight to protect, not for the sake of fighting." She growled and screamed out "You're strong, so why do you refuse to fight!" I sighed and pushed her fist away from my head "Without a reason to fight, I see it as pointless violence. I'd rather live a peaceful life with the people I care about than a lifetime fighting just to prove that I'm better than someone" 

Akane was about to say something, but Usami jumped out from the ground between us "Stop! Violence is against the trip rules!" I stared blankly at Usami "Your timing is terrible. If you can't prevent it then there is no point in having the rule. You won't do anything as punishment and you won't even give an empty threat to detour."Usami looked at me and let out a squeak "K-Kamukura-sama! your face is hurt!" "I know, I'm genuinely surprised my shoulder wasn't the thing getting hurt this time." Usami waved her arms frantically "This is no time for jokes!" I pat Usami's head "relax, I'm used to much worse, this is nothing." Usami pouts "that's not a good thing..." I shrug "oh well, you can go away now, the situation was resolved." She hung her head and disappeared again. I looked over at Hajime and Nagito "let's move on to the next introduction." Akane huffed and walked off while Nagito and Hajime nodded as we headed over to the other person that was there. 

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