The Exams/ Enter Kamukura

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Hajime's pov 

I don't know if it is from the guilt I'm feeling, or if its just cause I replaced Y/n, but the class seems to be very dull and boring. No one talks to each other unless it is in whispers, morning greetings aren't very cheerful (other than Ms. Yukizoma's), everyone has a depressed look on their face, and the sound of the wall clock is louder than class activities. Even now, early morning just before the school starts, no one speaks. We are all just sitting in our seats, doing our own things. I looked over at Chiaki, she was playing her game silently with a frown on her face. Recently she seemed to enjoy playing games less and less, always having the sound turned off and not smiling like she usually did when we played together. I was going to say something, but before I could the door burst open and Yukizoma entered "Good morning class! Today I have an announcement!" no one said anything as she went up to the podium "In a few days, The practical exams are going to be taking place. So I'm going to give you time to prepare for your exams" The mood didn't get any better, If anything, it got worse. Ms. Yukizoma noticed and tried to cheer everyone up, but it didn't really work. Eventually she gave up and told us to start preparing for the exam and then left. Everyone just left the classroom, going to do their own thing . I got up and went to go and figure out what I was going to do for my exam, but when I opened the door, I saw the principal standing there "Hajime, I need you to come with me" I nodded and he took me to his office

"Since you are a new student to the main course, I was going to have you not take place in the exams, however the media would not allow that. Thankfully, we've come up with a test that should seem good enough for the title that was given to you. You will be replacing one of the judges for the first half of the exams." I nodded "so I just have to judge people's talents for the first half of exams?" Jin nodded and set some files in front of me "Since you are replacing him, you have to look more like him and act like him. read through those files and copy his look." I nodded and looked over the files, figuring out what I would have to do before I left the office and went to prepare. 


I walked up to the building that the exam would be taking place in. I had watched surveillance videos of the previous exams the person I am replacing was judging and learned how he went there and what habits he had as well as how he speaks. Everything was going extremely well, until we got to a girl who made sweets. They looked good, but when I took a bite out of it something tasted wrong so I spat it out "what is in this? It is sweet but there is a bad taste in it" The girl looked angry "You're saying there is something wrong with my sweets?" the other judges seemed to enjoy the food before they started groaning in pain and clutching their stomachs "What was in those sweets?" she seemed to panic as 2 people approached the stage, they started to argue until the one wearing a mask opened her bag, showing cans of soda and a big red button "is that a bomb remote?!" Chaos seemed to spread and suddenly a large dog burst through the wall scaring the 2 girls who were about to fall onto the bomb trigger. however someone moved the trigger just in time

Y/n's pov (before the exam) 

I am sitting in the room they gave to me after they finished testing a lot of the talents given to me. Since they had finished they needed cover up the entire even by getting rid of the equipment and deleting all of the files about the entire thing. I was told that someone would come get me when I was allowed to leave and go back to school. I had just been sitting here for who knows how long, the room was dark and they didn't put a clock in here for some reason. If I'm going to be stuck with this room for the duration of my school life it should be at least have a clock and some other things. Eventually I heard a beeping sound at the door and it opened, showing the principal standing there "Mr. Kamukura, it is time for you to return to school." I nod and stand up slowly, straightening my tie "think they will recognize me? I do look like I've been gone for a year" Jin let out a soft chuckle "I'm sure that they will recognize you, you aren't that different" I shrug and walk out to the door "lets get going then. I need to be filled in on what is going on while we walk though" He nods and starts explaining the current events at the school. the practical exam, which was going on today, was starting in a few minutes. I asked if I could go and watch the exam, which he agreed to. He lead me to the gym and took me over to the spot where teacher and staff members are supposed to stand. I looked over at the judges and noticed one of them didn't look right. I looked closer and saw their eyes, and without a doubt I could tell it was Hajime. I guess no one would notice if they didn't know him personally, but the strange eyes kind of gave it away

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