Neo World program

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y/n's pov

After arriving at the Island with a tied up Hiyoko, I went to the secret facility that was built here. Inside, there was a lab where Chihiro and Miaya set up the Neo World Program. It is a virtual world programmed to erase memories of traumatic experiences and rehabilitate patients in a safe environment. The machine itself looked like something out of a sci-fi movie, there were 22 pods surrounding a large computer. There were many wires connecting all the components and a few screens for monitoring patients. Currently, 15 of the pods had someone connected in them, which leaves 7 more to put someone in. I set Hiyoko down in one of the empty pods and someone came over to connect her. While they were connecting her, Miaya approached me. Unlike usual, Miaya's scarf covered over most of her face as if she was hiding. 

The screen on her wheelchair turned on, and the bunny mascot she uses started speaking "Hi! Usami here! It's nice to see you again Kamukura-kun!" I looked at the screen. "Am I talking to Miaya or an Ai here." Usami went into a thinking pose before speaking "Both. Miaya types sentences and I interpret them for conversation!" I nodded "That's rather impressive, did Miaya upgrade you herself or did Chihiro help?" Usami puffed out her chest as if prideful "Miaya did all the upgrading, Chihiro only made suggestions." I looked over at Miaya and smiled "good job Miaya, I doubt many people could do something like this." I pat her on the head a bit. She lifted her hands up and pulled more of her scarf over her face. Immediatly, the screen turned towards Miaya. Usami appeared to be panicking "oh no! Kamukura-kun, you must stop at once! This is bad for Miaya's heart!" I looked at Usami, taking my hand away from Miaya's head "Bad for her heart? is she sick? Is that why she's covering her face like that?" I put my hand on Miaya's forehead, checking her temperature. "She is a little warm... sorry, I'll keep my distance. You should go get some rest as soon as you can" I took my hand away again and stepped back. Usami was giggling "Yeah, her face is also very red." Miaya peeked out of her scarf to glare a Usami, I guess she didn't want anyone to know that she was sick. 

The glaring lasted a while so I sighed and spoke "Well, changing the topic, why did you come over here. I'm sure you had a reason." Usami stopped her giggling and spoke "Right! The Neo world program needs 2 admins inside to monitor the patients, one to act as a guide and one to mix in with the group. I'm going to be acting as a teacher, so we only need someone to mix in with the group. We wanted to have you go in with your class... There will be no danger to you of course! You're memories will be left in tact and Miaya definitely will look after you very closely while your in there." Miaya went back to glaring at Usami. I sighed a bit and nodded "Alright, but I don't want to be called the ultimate hope or scapegoat." Usami nodded "okay! We can put you in as ultimate helper or protector." I nodded "alright, protector will work fine" After a moment, Miaya spoke up in a quiet voice "Do you not like your talent?" I looked at her, a little surprised that she was speaking. "uh... well, yeah. I don't like my talent. My original talent is stupid, and being called ultimate hope even though I don't give anyone hope... I just don't deserve it." Usami stomped her feet "Don't say that! you give plenty of people hope!" I sighed and shook my head "let's just... get this device started." Miaya nodded and looked down a bit before directing me to get in one of the pods. I laid down in the pod and looked up at her "Make sure to send me in how I am currently, it would be awkward if I was put into a form I wasn't used to" She nodded and carefully connected me to the machine, before closing the pod. I closed my eyes slowly and heard the sound of the machine starting up. 

Soon the sound was gone, and I opened my eyes to find myself in front of the doors of a classroom. I looked down at myself and nodded, I was exactly as I was before entering. Even the kimono that I was wearing was the same. I shrugged a bit and opened the door to the classroom, seeing that it was empty aside from the 17 desks and the teacher podium. I walked to the back of the room and sat down at a desk, checking to see if I had anything in my pockets. Sure enough there were some things, but not everything that I had before. A pack of gummies, a gamegirl advanced, and a small locket that had a picture of me with all the warriors of hope. I was missing my communicator, a few emergency weapons, my mask, and a water flask. I let out a sigh and put the locket around my neck, and turning on the gamegirl. I started playing the games that were on it while I waited. While playing I ended up opening the bag of gummies and started eating some. 

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