Picking Up What Remains

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Y/n's pov

Things have been progressing faster than I had expected. I recently received a message from Makoto about the progress of the Neo World Program. It only needed a few more parts until it was completed, so it was time to start capturing the leaders of the Remnants of Despair, my classmates. Most of them have been located, however, there were a few that had yet to be found. Chiaki, Hiyoko, Hajime, and 'Ryota'. They had leads on Hajime and 'Ryota' but Chiaki and Hiyoko have been lost to them. They wanted me to try to find them since I knew them the most, but it wouldn't be easy to locate them. 

Other than that, Aiko's condition has been improving lately. She's been able to wake up a few times, but when she saw me she started crying and panicking. She mumbled apologies and was begging for me to be real. After that happened twice, I put on my mask every time I took care of her. She no longer went into a panic when she saw me, so I was able to get her to take proper medications to speed up her recovery. She stays silent most of the time now, but she doesn't let me leave her alone when she's awake. If I try leaving her side without telling her where I'm going, she'll grab onto my arm and refuse to let go until I either tell her that I'm not leaving the room or I give up and sit down by the bed. I've been cooking food in the room for her and giving her the medicine after breakfast. I've mainly given her tea or water to drink since she can't drink anything too flavored without coughing it up.

When I'm needed in other places, Kotomi or Komaru take care of Aiko. They both have been staying as helpers, though Kotomi also does hair cutting and styling for everyone but me. It's not just out of spite, Monaca likes my hair for some reason so I don't cut it. Since it's gotten long due to not being cut in at least a year, I've mostly just put it in a ponytail if I'm going to do anything that requires me to move around a lot. It gets annoying sometimes since the hair seems to just do anything but stay organized. 

Currently, I'm sitting in my room making honey mint tea for both me and Aiko. She was currently sleeping, but it was still good to have the tea cooled and ready for her to drink when she wakes up. I poured one cup for me and the rest of the kettle into a large cup with a lid on it. I set her cup on the nightstand before sitting down nearby, drinking my cup slowly. After a while, there was a knock on the door before Kotomi entered and looked at me "Mukuro needs you in the music room. Something about a captured intruder." I nodded and stood up, putting my cup in the sink and looking at her "Look after her while I'm gone." She scoffed and crossed her arms, sitting by the bed "That's a given" I nodded and left the room, heading down to the music room. 

I knocked lightly on the door and waited for a moment before opening the door and entering. Muko was sitting on a chair near the door, facing towards a figure that was tied to a chair with a bag over their head. I shut the door and looked at Muko. "Hey, I was told you captured an intruder, nothing about taking a hostage." She looks away a bit "That is the intruder, She was trying to break in here but I stopped her before she made it through the gate. She had a lot of devices on her so I thought she might be a bomber." I sighed a bit and pat Muko's head "Well, next time you catch an intruder, maybe put handcuffs on them and lock them in a cell. This looks like we're planning to ransom or torture the poor person" Muko's cheeks turned red and she nodded "I'll keep that in mind..." I lifted my mask a bit and kissed her on the forehead before putting my mask back in place and walking over to the person. I grabbed onto the bag over their head and carefully pulled it off them, freezing when I saw what was under. Pale pinkish hair with a small and slightly damaged hairpin with the Gala Omega spaceship on it. Light pink eyes that looked empty and tired. A soft face that was covered in light scratches. Of course, there was also a cloth gag in her mouth. 

I looked over at Muko and spoke up "Bring me the devices that you found on her." She nodded and left the room quickly. I looked back at the girl that was tied to the chair took the gag out of her mouth. The moment I did, she attempted to bite me but I was able to move my hand away quick enough to avoid it. She growled and started speaking "Let me go! I'll kill all of you!" I sighed a bit and took the mask off my face, looking into her eyes. She froze the moment I took off the mask. I smiled a bit and pat her head "It's been a while Chiaki. You look like you've been through a lot." She looked down a bit, tears welling up in her eyes. "no... you're not real. You're just a fake. This is just another cruel dream. because... y/n... he... he's... He's gone." Tears ran down her face as she stared down at the floor. I sighed a bit and lifted my hand off her head "I'm sorry for leaving you alone for so long. You probably went through so much that I wouldn't be able to understand." She looked up at me and screamed "SHUT UP! STOP USING HIS VOICE!" I frowned and shook my head "I'm sorry for this" I moved my hand quickly, slapping her across the face. I may have hit her a little too hard since it knocked the chair over. I frowned and pulled the chair back upright, then hugged Chiaki. "I'm not gone. I'm right here." 

Ultimate scapegoat  (DanganRonpa x Male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon