Friday February 5, 2010

130 2 1

It's been two days since Jase's second birthday, I thank the lord that Caleb got to see his son's party before he left. One thing about it though I hate that as Jase gets older, he realizes that his daddy ain't gonna be home for awhile. He always puts a bowl of stacking blocks on the table and says, "I got daddy's breakfast, mama." He is so precious I can't hardly stand it. He is his daddy's twin I tell you. Even got his attitude, if I'm on the phone with Felicia he likes to throw a toy ball at me to get my attention. Now most of the time the ball just rolls across the floor and hits my ankle but this boy has the attention span of a goldfish. 

So far this mornin' Jase has been stuck up Caleb's butt. He almost can't get dressed because he wants up in his arms all the time.

"Daddy daddy! Up!" Jase curled his bottom lip.

"Hang on bubba, daddy has to get ready for work. Bug your mama for a bit. She loves when ya bug 'er." He chuckles, rubbing Jase's head.

"Caleb Holloway! I'm gonna ring your neck! Give your son some attention!" I scream from down the hall. I heard Caleb giggling but making his way behind me in the bathroom. It took me a minute to realize he was shirtless still.

"My son? Last I checked, there was two of us durin' that meeting darlin'." He kissed down my neck to my shoulder.

"There ain't gon' be another 'meeting' anytime soon. Get dressed or you're gonna miss your flight." I turned facing towards him and grabbed his face.

"C'mon baby!" He whined.

"Nuh uh. Get dressed, get your things in the truck, and load your son in there." He curled his bottom lip like Jase did. "If you quit complainin', I'll get a meeting arranged." I said with my hand on his shoulder.  He ran like lighting out of our bathroom. 

What felt like an eternity, we all finally got ready. Miles down the road Jase saw the same helicopters that take his daddy to work flying towards the ocean. 

"Big birds mama!" He excitedly kicked his feet on his car seat.

"No bubba those are helicopters. They're like daddy's truck but they fly in the air like big birds." I replied back to him.

"Copters!" He said loudly as we got closer to Caleb's parking place.

Caleb got out, got his things, kissed Jase on the cheek, and came back to the driver side window.  I saw Shane making his way over. 

"Hey Shane. How you doin'?" I said watching him jog over to the truck.

"I'm doin' just fine miss Lin. How's wild thing?" He asked.

"He's doin' good, getting bigger." 

"That's good, now how's Jase?" He chuckled out.

"Aight get out of here." Caleb said shooing Shane away.

"Alright, I'm gonna head back home. I love you." I pecked his lips with a kiss.

"I love you too babe. Be careful going home." He said leaning on the side of the truck.

"I will, you be more careful though alright?" I said seriously, Caleb chuckled.

"Ok ok you have my word. I love you bubba!" He said to Jase. 

"Love you too daddy!" Jase said waving bye with his stuffed bear.

When we got home Felicia left a message on our home phone, she said to come over to her house. She said to bring our new pup and Jase. Him and Syd could play with some toys while Felicia and I talked. 

We walked up to the door and Jase said, "Aunt Feefee's house!" I chuckled at his excitement. 

"Yes bubba aunt Feefee!" About the time I said that Felicia opened the door and scooped Jase right out of my arms. 

"Come 'ere chicaboo! My my have you grown! Come on in Lin, we ain't gonna bite!" We both walked through the door into the living room. 

"Aunt Lindy! You're here!" I looked up the stairs to see Sydney smiling.

"We would have came sooner but I had to drop off Caleb at work." I leaned down to giver her a big hug. I looked back over at Felicia. "Mike still home with y'all? I heard he had to switch shifts."

"Yeah he switched him but he's over at Peanut's ranch playing with some new toy he bought, don't even ask what it is because I have no idea what in the world it's suppose to be." She laughed out a sigh. "Oh sugar, you can let the dog down it don't bother me." 

"What'd you name him? I was at Holly's house when you first brought him over." Sydney said petting the top of the dogs head.

"Well you're gonna have to ask little man. I can't hardly say it without laughing my head off." She made her way over to Jase to ask him.

"What's the puppy's name Jase? Can you tell me?" 

"He Duck!" Jase said happily. Sydney looked around confused. "You named the dog Duck?" She said looking at him. Jase replied, "Yeah! He Duck the doggy!"

Felicia and I burst out laughing at Syd's reaction, which soon made Jase join into the laughter so it was a whole laughing party. I walked over to Jase and Felicia, still giggling a bit.

"Lord have mercy son, I love you so much!" We all kept laughing at his delivery of Duck's name for about half an hour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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