~Mysterious Shakadera~

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I guess we're all rivals now." He grinned.

I nodded before waving goodbye and excusing myself.

I made my way further into the arena, weaving through the plain, grey hallways, trying to find an empty practice room. I turned a particular corner and stopped in my tracks.

Chills shot up my back and I tensed.

"That aura..." I muttered to no one and turned to the left to see none other than Shu Kurenai through the big window of the practice room.

He was in a launching position, obviously getting ready to battle with no one.

But instead of jumping at the chance to watch him launch and potentially get some basis for a strategy against him, I couldn't focus on anything but the crushing weight around me.

His eyes held an almost maniacal gleam, his body was tense and firm, and his focus was unwavering.

The worst of it all was his aura.

His dark aura seemed to suck in the surrounding air, leaving me gaping like a fish for water.

I could feel goosebumps form quickly on my arms despite being covered by my warm jumper once he started the countdown.




"Let it rip!"

His launch seemed to shake the area with how powerful it was.

Spryzen dropped into the stadium and I felt it.

From the moment it dropped in to the constant, whirring vibration of its spin.

My breaths were short and I'm not sure how long I would've stood there if it wasn't for the sound of a door sliding on my right.

I jolted from the noise and turned to see Norman Tarver walking out. He raised an eyebrow at me as to why I was standing there before noticing the powerful blader in the other room.

His eyes immediately darkened as he stared at the blader.

He had the tiniest hint of a smirk on his face, as if telling the red-eyed blader that all his efforts will be useless against him.

I looked back just in time to see the red bey hit the side of the stadium and fly up into his hand. I managed to relax a little bit now that another person was there.

It calmed me even if I had no idea who Norman was. But that relief quickly went away when he suddenly snapped his eyes towards us.

I heard Norman flinch behind me but why should he be scared?

When the one that intimidating gaze was pointed at was me.

And it wasn't a passing gaze either. It didn't seem as though he was staring through me. He definitely saw me, acknowledged I was there, and he was aware.

I stared back with faux confidence, clutching the ends of my sleeves for support. I couldn't decipher a single thought behind those ruby eyes.

And I didn't get to try anymore as he simply clicked a button on his remote and the glass turned opaque.

I let out a violent breath I didn't know I had in which earned me a scoff from the boy behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see him smirking at me.

"Heh, scared?" I deadpanned and rolled my eyes before turning around. I spotted Boa making his way over and internally cringed.

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