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Hey everyone! I would first off like to say thank you for clicking on my book and giving it a chance, it really means a lot to me. I have come a long way as a writer, however I do not see myself as perfect. I still make mistakes, and I apologize if there are any in this book. I appreciate constructive criticism, anything rude will be deleted because I am a sensitive b!tch and will probably cry.

I originally wrote this story as "The Teachers Obsession", it was my first ever story that I wrote and I was only sixteen at the time. Since then, it was taken down by Wattpad and I am beginning to re-write. I was heart broken when I found out because I did not keep an extra copy for myself (dumb-as$, I know).

I want to start out by getting a few things out of the way. This book will not be completely the same, however the plot will remain the same.

This is a dark book. If you clicked here for a cheeky romance I suggest you go elsewhere. With that being said, this story will contain violence, gore, sexual violence, trauma, mature language, sexual situations, kidnapping, and it is not for the faint of heart.

Chapters that are heavier in mature themes will contain a warning at the beginning of the chapter for those of you wanting to skip.

I would also like to state that all of these characters are eighteen years or older and are fictional.

This book and the cover belong to me, I do not appreciate people copying my works and would like it to be brought to my attention if this happens.

All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be partly reproduced, fully, distributed, or transmitted by any other means without the permission of the author. For any inquires or concerns, message the author @ firstdis0rder.

With all of that out of the way, I would also like to say I really appreciate and love all of you guys that have stuck with me for so long. I have been on a very long hiatus and I am happy to say that I am back. I will try to update as much as I can but I cannot make any promises.

Strap in lovelies and enjoy the ride.

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