Amelia laughed. "Yeah, I can see that. It's refreshing."

"Ugh, don't tell her that," I said with a grimace. "Her ego might explode."

"Definitely won't," Amelia said with a smile. "So is Monique still dating that basketball player?"

"Byron?" I looked at her in confusion. "Yeah, why?"

"During homecoming, I saw him go into the restroom and then that little blonde girl that is normally with Monique went in after him," Amelia said.

"Logan?" I could feel my eyes widen. I recalled what Patrick said about a couple doing it in the restroom. I thought back during the carnival when I saw Logan coming out of the boy's restroom and how she turned me completely around.

"Yes, her." Amelia nodded.

"Ugh,no!" I looked ahead and saw how happy Monique was chatting with Mei like they were best friends. She was so sweet. How could they do that to her?

"I never would trust her. She's so fake," Amelia added.

"Yeah...." What do I do? How would I tell her?

"Hurry up, you slow pokes!" Mei called over her shoulder. "My fat-ass brother moves quicker than you."

Amelia let out a laugh as she linked her arm with mine while we sped walk toward them.

"Do you think we can get in?" What if they card us? I wasn't the club type. On any other weekday, I would be at home studying or playing the piano. Got to keep the Tiger mom happy.

"We're hot, of course, we will," Mei answered causally.

I couldn't help but grimaced at her words.

"Yasss!" Monique flipped her hair and high-fived Mei while Amelia chuckled.

"When did you two become best friends?" I stared at them in confusion.

"Since the moment we met," Mei exclaimed. "We're M&M."

"Oooh I like that," Monique nodded in approval. "I like it much more than what people call Logan and I. Mo and Lo."

"Ditch her and stick with me," Mei joked. "I'm too amazing, she can't compare."

Amelia glanced at me as I felt like I was sweating bullets. How do I bring this up to Monique? Will she freak out and think we're lying?

"No way," Monique laughed. "Logan and I are B.F.F."

"Ummm, how about we talk about the club!" I Interrupted them.

"It's right there." Amelia pointed.

It was a dark building with a red door. A burly bouncer stood at the door.

"Let's go!" Monique cheered as she dragged Mei towards the bouncer.

"I.D." He said monotonously before a smile spread to his lips.

"Hey, Big Guy." Mei beamed a megawatt smile before enveloping the Bouncer in a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Yo, Mei what's up," Big Guy answered. "I'm here three days a week and the rest at 801. What are you doing here?"

"Me and the girls are here to check out our friend's band," Mei answered. "Girls, this is Dex."

"Hi," We said as we waved back at him as we gave him our cutest smiles.

Mei always seems to find a way of making friends wherever she goes.

Dex grinned at us as he opened the door and ushered us in the door. "Come on in ladies."

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