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Name : Khumn

Her Fandom : SCP containment Breach / Foundation

"Oh trust me, Its a long story."

SCP # : Scp-420

» First discovered in the western desserts of Egypt, on a mission to investigate a recently discovered anicient temple which unearthed itself from the sands. she was found slumbering in a sitting position on a solid, gold cube.

» When she awoke from her slumber she greeted foundation staff in Ancient Egyptian. She later was found to have a knowledge of Old Egyptian Languages, Latin, Greek, Arabic, and even some English.

» When she realized her visitors spoke English she swapped her language over to English. 420 explained to foundation researchers that she was Ancient goat goddess named 'Khnum'

• Though when a researcher said this to be untrue as Khnum was a god and not a Goddess 420 laughed. She explained that when Thutmose ||| made his attempt to rid of his Aunt Hatshepsut he also tried to rid of many other things by altering history. 

• This led to the modern day Misconceptions about Ancient Egypt, which luckily, there weren't many, for Thutmose was prevented by many gods from ridding them from history along with Hatshepsut.

» 420's temple / pyramid was filled with scrolls of papyrus, two intricate[still living] gardens, treasures; jewelry; and expensive minerals among other things which always are replaced after something in taken.

• This could be ancient Egyptians making offerings from the underworld to 420 still. [A theory of a junior researcher which has yet to be confirmed.]

» 420 often goes out among humans posing as a costume specialist or 'cosplayer' going out in public often without shame. Though in past or at current times she will disguise herself as human.

• This has kept her updated on the modern world as we know it. Though as far as foundation staff in concerned finding a stack of erotic magazines, books, pictures, and videos on a storage shelf, next to a bookshelf of classic literature is none of their concern.

• And neither is what music is played from custom old Radio which ranges from jazz, electro swing, and Mozart to CupcakKe. There will be no further notes on that matter. You will have to live with this current knowledge for the rest of your life.

» 420 is often shown as being very playful, sarcastic, and flirty with staff members. Though it never goes well when someone puts her in a bad mood.

• 420 is a decently safe Keter class SCP which is allowed to wonder facilities with atleast one responsible chaperone with her. Though on one of these walks 420 discovered 590 bleeding out in a hall.

• 420 rushed to help 590 ignoring all demands from foundation staff to leave it alone. After 590 was back in sable condition 420 entered a state of rage. Demanding to know who hurt 'that sweet child'. 

• When an MTF had arrived on the scene to stop 420, she slaughtered each member ruthlessly before deeming that was more than enough blood to replace the blood 590 had lost. 

• 420 than escorted herself out of the hall to 590's containment cell where she stayed until she left to return to her temple.

» The council now deems because of this that in front of 420 only can researchers treat children scps like normal human children as 420 will always react negatively to the neglect of a child. 

» 420 is also never to be told that in reality this is a procedure to keep her from entering her rage state. anyone who violates these rules will face immediate demotion or termination.


[And then here are some other facts I couldn't fit into the main bit]

» She can produce safely-edible goats milk from her breasts.

» 420 has shown to have an elemental relationship with nature, water, and the earth. Often being able to bend these elements to her will.

» 420 has incredibly incredibly strong legs and tough skin making it harder for her to sustain damage. Her strength goes as far as being able to lift own temple from the sands on her own. Why the pyramids weight is unmeasured, it is around 230 ft tall and 200 ft on its side-length.

» Upon seeing someone she's fond of 420 will either hit, fistbump, slap, kick, or even headbutt that person as a greeting.

» No she doesn't have goat legs. But she does have a tiny goat tail.

» Dr. Jack Bright is no longer allowed to be in the presence of 420 without a responsible staff member present. No one wants to relive the night we had to spend watching an SCP porn tape for 'Research'.

» 420 has shown Romantic in all genders. The most common being Men and Women. This led to 420 confirming her bisexuality.

» No Dr. Rights in not allowed to measure Kenos' breast size and say its "for sizing purpose". We get its she's got 'Cake' that does not make it okay to sleep with an SCP.

» In Egypt goats were typically worshipped as the goats had a sex drive, this made 'Khnum' a god on fertility. And It also made her very horny.

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